
  • Thread starter Thread starter Rich
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-----Original Message-----
Yes you can do this... For hotfixes you can use Software
Update Services on a Win2k Server/managed by group
policy. For service packs you can extract the service
pack locally and use the update.msi in the Update folder
to add a service pack software package to your group

SUS: a

Service packs:;EN-

Here is how I do things - when possible:

1) on the Server that is going to be the RIS Server create
an I386 folder and copy the contents of the I386 folder on
the WIN2000 Pro CD to that folder
2) slipstream the Service Pack to that I386 folder
3) install RIS and use the I386 folder that we just
created as the first image
4) manually download the Critical Updates and Recommended
Updates so that I have the individual files
5) on the RIS Server create a $OEM$ folder and copy all of
the individual Critical Updates and Recommended Updates to
the $OEM$ folder. Also, copy the new and improved QCHAIN
into that $OEM$ folder.
6) create a CMDLINES.TXT file and name all of the files
6a) if I have any drivers that I need installed ( say that
I am using an eVGA NVidia GeForce MX-200 video card in all
of my systems - WIN2000 does not *know* this video card )
create a $1 folder, inside that create a Drivers folder
and inside that create a Video folder. Download the
drivers and - using WinZip - extract the files from
the .exe and copy them all to the Video folder.
7) make the appropriate changes to ristndrd.sif, such as:

OemPreinstall = YES
OemPnpDriversPath = "Drivers\Video"

ProductID = "xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx"

AdminPassword = "whatever"

[Identification] Be very careful
DomainAdmin = Administrator here! Your users
DomainAdminPassword = "whatever" can see this file!!!

BitPerPel = 16
X = 1024
Y = 768
VRefresh = 70

This way it should take only about 20 minutes to have a
WIN2000 Pro SP3 workstation with the vast majority of the
Critical and Recommended Updates installed. You can
furthermore set up GPOs to install Office 2000 ( or Office
XP ) and tweek that accordingly [ install the
ORKTOOLS.EXE - aka Office Resource Kit - on a DC where you
create the GPOS ( typically on the DC that holds the PDC
Emulator FSMO role ) and you can add the Administrative
Templates for Office 2000...that is really cool! well
as create .mst files ( aka TRANSFORMS files ]

With a little upfront work you can really save yourself a
lot of time...I would say that in 25 minutes to have a
fully functional computer is not such a bad thing! And,
in my opinion, it is better than Ghost. Remember, you can
always use RIPREP as well!

