XPh - Running ZA(free), Spybot & AdAware in addition to MSAS.
My daughter's machine has recently become plagued with Hotbar attempting to install.
MSAS pos up a warning as soon as she logs on.
Telling it to remove the threat results in it getting busy (flashes up registry entries)
and saying it's deleted.
All is well until the next time she logs on.
I've searched this ng and tried many of the solutions offered but no go.
Also (related?) MSAS pops up another window-hidden behind the foregoing-advising that it
has detected something trying to make a change to the "restricted sites" and asks if it
should be blocked.
Just "for fun", after blocking it many times, I allowed it but did not see any changes.
I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction.
My daughter's machine has recently become plagued with Hotbar attempting to install.
MSAS pos up a warning as soon as she logs on.
Telling it to remove the threat results in it getting busy (flashes up registry entries)
and saying it's deleted.
All is well until the next time she logs on.
I've searched this ng and tried many of the solutions offered but no go.
Also (related?) MSAS pops up another window-hidden behind the foregoing-advising that it
has detected something trying to make a change to the "restricted sites" and asks if it
should be blocked.
Just "for fun", after blocking it many times, I allowed it but did not see any changes.
I was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction.