D Doug Jan 30, 2004 #1 Macfee tells me to go find hot-fix article q812400 for a hot fix for task scheduler cant find it
S siljaline Jan 31, 2004 #2 Doug said: Macfee tells me to go find hot-fix article q812400 for a hot fix for task scheduler cant find it Click to expand... http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;812400 HTH -- siljaline MS - MVP Windows IE/OE ______________________ (Reply to group, as return address is invalid - that we may all benefit)
Doug said: Macfee tells me to go find hot-fix article q812400 for a hot fix for task scheduler cant find it Click to expand... http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;812400 HTH -- siljaline MS - MVP Windows IE/OE ______________________ (Reply to group, as return address is invalid - that we may all benefit)