In sf <
[email protected]> had this to say:
My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Thanks Galen.... I have another question, but you have to speak
s l o w l y to me so I can understand the concept.
What are the differences (for the user) between the two programs and
why would be a better choice with XP Pro?
Hey SF, I told you in the 98 group I'd look for you over here. <g> It's a
better choice for ALL OSes because it not only allows you to use the MVP
list BUT to configure it to make it 'your own' as you find sites you want to
add, delete, or turn it off or even manage it. The application's small,
easy, and free. Why is it better? Because it allows you a greater degree of
control and the hosts file is a very personal thing. Some of the sites on
said list you may never visit at all and yet there are some that you visit
that you'd certainly not want to visit again and this enables you to add
them quickly, merge other lists, and IIRC check for duplicates.
Slowly? The list you get from the first site is arbitrary and doesn't know
you or what you're likely to run into. It doesn't know what you like,
dislike, want, and don't want. It doesn't give you a simple way to edit and
control them. This application uses no resources (unless you opt to drag a
shortcut to the startup folder which I've done in the past for use if you're
going to use it often) and does all that and more. It's handy. It's free. It
allows YOU the ultimate choice of what will and will not be blocked by your
hosts file as well as a quick and easy way (though I've a handy batch file
kicking about somewhere) to disable your hosts file and then re-enable it.
Oh, and I've used it in beta form and the newer version. Why? Because I
care... <g>