the hosts file in the system32\drivers\etc directory
cannot be deleted, or rather if it is deleted it then
magically re-appears. This appears to be some kind of
trojan which doesn't want me to block advertising. I have
shut down all processes and services except security
accounts manager and windows management instumentation.
this behaviour is like a kind of real-time file
protection. very strange. I have never noticed a file on
my system before which re-appears instantly when deleted.
I'm running windows2000 with service pack 4. Have i been
cannot be deleted, or rather if it is deleted it then
magically re-appears. This appears to be some kind of
trojan which doesn't want me to block advertising. I have
shut down all processes and services except security
accounts manager and windows management instumentation.
this behaviour is like a kind of real-time file
protection. very strange. I have never noticed a file on
my system before which re-appears instantly when deleted.
I'm running windows2000 with service pack 4. Have i been