Does anyone have an article of what to look for in a Hosting company? Or, if
you have experience of working with or can recommend a reputable company, I'd
like to hear from you. I need a company that will keep their server software
updated, has 24/7 customer service help (either online chat or by phone) and
FP SE. I will need Dedicated Hosting. (I will be working with a very small
- 3 person - real estate company who will have, maybe, about 30-40 photos a
month). I am using Windows XP, Frontpage 2003.
Thank you for your help,
you have experience of working with or can recommend a reputable company, I'd
like to hear from you. I need a company that will keep their server software
updated, has 24/7 customer service help (either online chat or by phone) and
FP SE. I will need Dedicated Hosting. (I will be working with a very small
- 3 person - real estate company who will have, maybe, about 30-40 photos a
month). I am using Windows XP, Frontpage 2003.
Thank you for your help,