hosting a c# custom control in webbrowser




this prob isnt the right forum but i got no response from the other
forums so i hope someone can point me in the right direction.

I know you can write a custom control in C# and host that control in a
web browser, but it requires that control be served from a actuall
sever and downloaded to the client machine for use.

Is there a way to load the c# control into IE by just having the html
page and the c# dll in the same directory, purely located on the
client computer with no need to have it downloaded from a server ?

a pointer to an examp[le or tutorial would be appreciated





Hope you don't think this is a smart ass reply as it's not intended to be
one. But your question is a bit dubious as except for javascript everything
is pretty much server sided these days. All controls are hosted at the
server. Just reference the custom control dll in your code behind and load
it. Unless I'm mis-understanding the question, it just seems off base. Could
be why there were no replies?!?!?

Marc Gravell

except for javascript everything is pretty much server sided these
days. All controls are hosted at the server.
well, I might not put it quite that strongly - the WinForm isn't dead

but yes; if you simply want to display a client-control at a client, a
WinForm (perhaps ClickOnce) would be a lot simpler than trying to host
it in IE...

An object tab (with src) could perhaps work - but is it worth the
effort? If your app doesn't need to run against a web-server, IE is
just being a barrier.



The stuff im doing are javascript applications running on a pc on a
small isolated network with no options to connect to any server of any
kind. It is a complete client side application, running purely from 1
pc. I dont have the option to not use javascript, so i wanted to
improve the interface by hosting c# created slider bars, buttons and a
component to provide socket connections to ip hardware on this small
isolated network. I do not have any option at all to host or connect
any server of any kind to download the controls.

So im wondering if there isnt a way to load the controls directly from
the directory where the html files are located.

So can anyone tell me is it possible to host the controls this way,
and again i dont have the option to not use javascript.

I would have liked to do everyhting in c# but i am being victimized by
a mentaly deficient individual.


Marc Gravell

Note that if by "control" you mean a web-control, then you can use
lightweight local web-servers... for instance, Cassini will run on a
local machine and act as a web-server; this is what Visual Studio uses
by default to develop, so it provides a pretty-much full implementation (although not a full IIS implementation - https
etc is missing):


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