Hospital Improves Patient Experience


Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Another fine example of Linux useage.

"The hospital estimates that the new desktops have saved 98 percent of the IT costs that would have been spent maintaining normal PCs. GAMC patients have responded enthusiastically to the desktops, and the hospital sees this service as a way to attend to the patients' emotional needs and stand out from competitors. Some patients use the computers to blog about their hospital stay or update CarePages, popular patient Web sites that connect patients with chronic illnesses to their friends and families. "Just as easily as the hospital provides patients with TVs in rooms, now we provide personal computing," said Roger Pruyne, senior programmer/analyst and project manager for the GAMC Patient Computing project."

"Adventist Health, a not-for-profit, faith-based health system operating in California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington. Founded on the Seventh-day Adventist heritage of Christian health care, Adventist Health is comprised of 18 hospitals with more than 2,800 beds, nearly 18,000 employees, numerous clinics and outpatient facilities, the largest system of rural health clinics in California, 15 home care agencies and three joint-venture retirement centers with a fourth on the way. For more information, visit About NoMachine Based in Rome, Italy, NoMachine is the creator of award-winning NX software, an enterprise-class solution for secure remote access, application delivery, and hosted desktop deployment. Since 2001, NoMachine's mission has been to revolutionize the way users access their computing resources across the Internet to make seamless desktop access as easy and widespread as Web browsing."

Shame our NHS doesn't do something similar.

Maybee the government will get around to it when they have finished installing their moats and duck houses. :p

Shame our NHS doesn't do something similar.
Your blinded by your obsessions ... you need to get out more.

This bedside touchscreen system is where patients can make and receive Phone calls, watch TV and Interactive Movies, surf the Internet and listen to the Radio. They can also watch Hospital Information videos and read important information about their stay.

... costs nothing to explore. By simply touching the screen patients can explore the system at no cost, discovering how to use the phone and TV by watching the on-screen help videos and finding out about all the services that are on offer.

... is installed as part of the Government’s NHS reform plan, and at no cost to the NHS.
:p bedside TV.htm

Hang on, don't you work for the NHS ??

Who actually has to pay for this fee

Incoming Calls are charged at 49p per minute peak and 39p per minute off peak (calling party pays).
What about wrong numbers LOL

I do indeed voulanteer as a driver for the Ambulance service.

The cost of the services provided is fairly high. 49p per minute for an incoming call that ain't what I would call even remotely acceptable. I don't know what they charge for the TV and Film service but you can bet that ain't cheap either.

An I aint blinded by an obsession.

Lets say a ordinary worker wants to phone a critically ill parent in hospital. They speak to them for ten minutes it costs them £9.80. It will probably take that person two hours to earn that money. You see in this glorious country of ours not everyone earns loads of dosh. the vast majority of us earn very small amounts of money.

Do uor leaders care . Not a jot . Thems too busy claiming expense for properties that they sold months if not years ago and think its ok.

So as long as the rich and powerful are ripping us "the poor off " I'll keep on posting.

Urmas said:
Eh... what's wrong with mobile phones?

Nowt . They were banned in hospitals as the signals were supposed to affect sensitive equipment. I do belive that the software has been changed so that the signals no longer have a detrimental effect.

Abarbarian said:
Nowt . They were banned in hospitals as the signals were supposed to affect sensitive equipment. I do belive that the software has been changed so that the signals no longer have a detrimental effect.
No, they ain't banned ... :thumb:

Abarbarian said:
Nowt . They were banned in hospitals as the signals were supposed to affect sensitive equipment. I do belive that the software has been changed so that the signals no longer have a detrimental effect.
Same here. The ban was lifted for three-four years ago. No problem, then.
