Horrid Windows 10

Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
PC Reviews excellent people have been helping me in my intended switch from the horrid Windows 10 to Linux.

In the meantime, as I have my original Windows 7 Pro disc, I am considering trying to get back to the Win 7 OS.

Any help in how to do that would be much appreciated. (I am nervous about messing about with my PC’s OS)
Not sure about this but I think once you've changed from Win 7 to Win 10 by taking Microsoft up on their free offer, your Win 7 activation code becomes associated with Win 10 and won't activate your old version of Win 7.

I think this occurs after a certain time limit expired which was a while ago now.

All I'd suggest is trying to install Win 7 on an empty hard disk, Microsoft will soon let you know if you have transgressed their rules and regulations.

If it doesn't work just format the hard disk you used for the attempted install.

Sorry I can't be more help.
Thanks Floppy

Re “install Win 7 on an empty hard disk”?

Does this mean that I can’t put my Win 7 CD into my PC that is running Win10?