horrible buzzing noise

  • Thread starter Thread starter dustie
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hi all

my PC is making a horrible noise. It seems to be coming from the fan that's
covering the Pentium chip. is this gonna cost me a fortune to replace or is
there anything else I can do to shut it up?


Common problem. You could get a heatsink and fan as a new combo quite
aftermarket is better than what your pc shipped with.There are many brands
and places to get them
"cpu cooling" in search engine.
hi all

my PC is making a horrible noise. It seems to be coming from the fan that's
covering the Pentium chip. is this gonna cost me a fortune to replace or is
there anything else I can do to shut it up?


Cheap to replace but can be kind of a pain. If you can find it get a
heatsink with a fan on it the same size as the fan you have and just
change the fan, pulling the heatsink isn't too hard, but on some
systems it is better to do the operation with the mainboard on a flat
hard surface outside the case. Changing just the fan requires
removing and reinstalling four screws which should be easily done
without major surgery.
dustie said:
thanks ever so much - both of you. Nice to know it's nothing too
serious.. :)
But first, check the size of the existing fan. You don't necessarily need to
buy a new heatsink, just a new fan of the same size, and thats even cheaper!

hi all

my PC is making a horrible noise. It seems to be coming from the fan that's
covering the Pentium chip. is this gonna cost me a fortune to replace or is
there anything else I can do to shut it up?


Sometimes you can repack the bearings on those fans if you don't want
to spend any money it all. Sometimes there is a lubricant port under
the label. I use moly-graph all purpose lube.

The cheap ones use a sleeve bearing, which is nice and quiet when
properly lubed. The blades still whine, however.

What CPU. replacemaent fans are cheap. Don't bother with a complete
heatsink/fan comb.
There are usual just 4 screws holding the fan to the cpu.
Try newegg.com or Google searc "CPU FAN"
sorry to be a real thickie but I wanna check I'm getting this right. I
normally get all my computer bits from here:


I'm having no luck finding a fan on here though. Can anyone help locate on
here or find another site that's got what I'm looking for? It's for a
Pentium 4 [2.66] CPU...

(I'm in the UK btw :)

thanks in advance

hi all

the noise this PC is making is starting to register on the Richter Scale!!
I just noticed something though... Look at this pic I just took of it:


that bottom left, coppery looking fan (that says Gigabyte on it) isn't
working!? It's just sat there idle.... Could it be THAT that's the
hi all

the noise this PC is making is starting to register on the Richter Scale!!
I just noticed something though... Look at this pic I just took of it:


that bottom left, coppery looking fan (that says Gigabyte on it) isn't
working!? It's just sat there idle.... Could it be THAT that's the
No. Conventional wisdom would be that the sleeve on your fan is
getting loose because of wear, causing the entire rotor to vibrate.
It will keep getting worse until the fan fails. You can pack that
bearing with moly grease, the same kind used to grease machinery, and
buy time, or you can spend $10-20 on a new fan.

The smaller fan should probably be made to work as well, if it's part
of your original setup.

Well, I got a new CPU cooling unit from a local shop:


and installed it. It wasn't particularly quiet - and it didn't work!
Within two minutes the CPU had overheated, beeped a hell of a lot and the PC
had shut down... I installed the old one again and, despite the same old
buzzing, it worked fine. I got a replacement and installed it - it just as
noisy and useless! So, I put the old buzzing one back in...

....and now it's quiet as a mouse!? It's been on for 7 hours and not a
murmur. Is this some kind of miracle?