Horm specifics

  • Thread starter Thread starter Richard
  • Start date Start date


I normally have a RAM-REG system running on a single partition CF.

I have a couple of questions about Horm to see if what I want to do is
possible and how to go about doing it.
What I need to do is to have my system state saved so I come up to my Custom
shell only. The custom shell is responsible for starting my main
application, plus has a few utilities/monitors built in to it.

So my first question is, how can I save the system state with my shell
running, but "before" my main application starts?

Maybe add a delay before the shell loads the main application, then have a
button on the shell to create the hibernation file before the app starts?

The second part of this. There are two occassions when we commit and
restart. Mostly automated.

1) Anytime we make configuration changes to the application, mainly when
setting the app of the first time for a specific job. We configure it, then
click a button on the shell that commits and reboots.

2) During a normal power down. The Off button sends a message to the
application to save changes, shutdown the app. Commit and Shutdown. The
power supply is on a timer and allows time for the app to do this before
shutting down.

So, if I use HORM, and changes are made, I take it I will need to make a new
hibernation file, then commit and shutdown correct?

I welcome any ideas or suggestions.
