Hong Kong man jailed for movie sharing


Mar 25, 2003
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The first person to be prosecuted for sharing films using peer-to-peer file-sharing technology has been sentenced. Chan Nai-ming, 38, was found guilty of copyright infringement last month, and the recent sentence has sent him to prison for three months.

Chan used the popular file-sharing program BitTorrent to upload three films - Miss Congeniality, Red Planet and Daredevil. It is notoriously difficult to track those who upload films using this program, since when a user downloads a film it comes in parts from multiple sources. This may be why many other users do not seem to be worried by Chan's sentencing.

As a consequence of these events, BitTorrent has closed several of it's sites.

Read more at BBC News and The Register


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A couple of observations about this - firstly it was in a chinese court and I'm not sure the evidence would be there for a UK prosecution, and secondly why did he upload such awful films:confused: - should have got life.......:p
Did he not get a fine like most people do in UK?

I guess he will only resume his movie uploading once he is released
Yup, he did get fined. That news report can be found here.

...and I quite agree with you about the choice of films ;)
Not much of a fine really, but i suppose it is to them,

I think this sort of thing will never be able to be controlled and stopped, as there are too many people and means of doing it
Sexy Bex said:
...and I quite agree with you about the choice of films ;)
Shouldn't he have been charged with crimes against humanity?:D