• Thread starter Thread starter Mr. SweatyFinger
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Mr. SweatyFinger said:
asp.net is for the f@ birds

Yes, and so are calculus, theoretical physics, and electronic engineering.

The fact that one is not able to master a discipline does not imply that
there is anything wrong with the discipline. It simply implies that,
regarding the person unable to master the discipline, one of the following,
or some other factor, may be true:

A. The person is not suited for the discipline.
B. The person does not have the necessary time to master the discipline.
C. The person does not have the necessary abilities to master the
D. The person is not willing to do the work necessary to master the


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP

Parabola is a mate of plane.
just because you can't figure it out doesn't mean it is ;)

Took me a while to learn calculus, doesn't mean I can't use it...
You sure spent a lot of time and energy coming up with a clever to insult
What a mind you must have.

Calculus- for example. Because calculus is valuable and hard to learn
doesn't mean that it started out that way.
It went through hundreds of years of refinement where people scratched their
heads and said "calculus if for the birds".

Then they came up with better ideas about calculus

You idiot.
Thanks for adding value, fella.
You aren't going to get much sympathy here, most of us have or have had the
same problems you do, and we've learned to be competent. Choice is yours.
Now- if you need HELP with something specific, then post a question and
we'll help you out.
OK, Pal?
Don't call me PAL you --you know what.

I've posted many easy questions. and you and the rest of you ignore them but
jump all over the ones where you can insult me

as in this one

you clown

No, you go back and catch up on anwering my posts that you missed, then come

ya hear?

ya clown
Mr. SweatyFinger :

Could we limit our posts to unsolved technical issues ?

No, you go back and catch up on anwering my posts that you missed, then come back

1. Nobody is obliged to help anybody here.
This is a peer-to-peer support newsgroup and we all volunteer our time and efforts.

2. Calling people idiots doesn't make them want to help you

Juan T. Llibre, asp.net MVP
asp.net faq : http://asp.net.do/faq/
foros de asp.net, en español : http://asp.net.do/foros/
You sure spent a lot of time and energy coming up with a clever to insult

Again with the "insult" assumption. I will not repeat myself, but suggest
you read my previous reply concerning your assumption that my intent was to
Calculus- for example. Because calculus is valuable and hard to learn
doesn't mean that it started out that way.

Actually, it did start out that way. See:



Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP

There is a madness to my method.