homepage resets to start.earthlink.net



I had a hijacker and got rid of it with some spyware.
However, now my homepage cannot be set to anything and it
always resets to start.earthlink.net. I have an account
with earthlink. Any ideas?


Jon Kennedy

This has been a FAQ on this newsgroup. See this site for possible help and
more information:

Home Page Setting Changes Unexpectedly, or You Cannot Change Your Home Page

This may be caused by spyware/malware that's gotten installed on
your system. Use Ad-Aware and/or Spybot Search & Destroy to remove it.

Ad-Aware: http://www.lavasoftusa.com/
Spybot: http://security.kolla.de/
Good sites on how to install and use Spybot -

More information here:
http://www.doxdesk.com/parasite/ - runs a little script when loading page to
check for common parasites

If no joy, in IE go to Tools...Internet Options...Advanced tab, Browsing
section, uncheck "Enable third-party browser extensions", click Apply, click
Okay, reboot. If that solves your problem, then more troubleshooting is
needed to find out exactly which program, or Browser Helper Object (BHO) is
causing this problem. You don't want to leave it at that, as some BHOs are
useful or necessary - like Adobe Acrobat for reading .pdf files or an
essential component of Norton AV. Get BHODemon -
http://www.definitivesolutions.com/bhodemon.htm - read all about BHOs.
Disable all items, and then gradually replace one or two at a time to narrow
down the culprit.

If all the above fails, then the problem could be something new that the
spyware cleaners above don't have in their databases yet. In that case....
HijackThis direct download:
Tutorial on how to use HijackThis:
Then post it's output log to the forum here for analysis and feedback by the
parasite experts:
Or the other HijackThis Logs forums listed here:

Or try this program to get some of the most nasty malware:
CWShredder direct download:

An alternate resource for all of this and more:

You may also want to check out StartPage Guard -
StartPage Guard protects your PC from cyberscam, by monitoring status of
your internet browser StartPage and preventing it from any unauthorized

And to keep from having to manually edit the registry to unlock your
homepage settings, try this little script by Doug Knox, MS MVP:

More information here: http://www.cexx.org/hphijack.htm

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