Homepage Hijacked


Sharon Miller

HI--about a week ago I had a whole bunch of problems with my homepage being
hijacked and my computer being taken over by some miserable scumware. After
installing Spy Sweeper and Popup Stopper, I thought I was back to normal,
but that doesn't seem to be the case. While using IE 6 this morning, I
clicked on my little global search button and was directed to a search
engine I never heard of and once again, my home page was hijacked.

I need to know how to get rid of what ever this recurring garbage is that
has planted itself on my computer. Can anyone help me with this or perhaps
direct me to some place that can provide the needed info to deal with this
junk once and for all?

Thanking you in advance for any assistance,



Sharon Miller said:
HI--about a week ago I had a whole bunch of problems with my homepage being
hijacked and my computer being taken over by some miserable scumware. After
installing Spy Sweeper and Popup Stopper, I thought I was back to normal,
but that doesn't seem to be the case. While using IE 6 this morning, I
clicked on my little global search button and was directed to a search
engine I never heard of and once again, my home page was hijacked.

I need to know how to get rid of what ever this recurring garbage is that
has planted itself on my computer. Can anyone help me with this or perhaps
direct me to some place that can provide the needed info to deal with this
junk once and for all?

Thanking you in advance for any assistance,


Run the "Cool Web Shredder"
check for update first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Close all instances of Internet Explorer and Outlook Express,
click on the executable above and follow the prompts.

Ramesh [MVP]

Home Page Setting Changes Unexpectedly

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

HI--about a week ago I had a whole bunch of problems with my homepage being
hijacked and my computer being taken over by some miserable scumware. After
installing Spy Sweeper and Popup Stopper, I thought I was back to normal,
but that doesn't seem to be the case. While using IE 6 this morning, I
clicked on my little global search button and was directed to a search
engine I never heard of and once again, my home page was hijacked.

I need to know how to get rid of what ever this recurring garbage is that
has planted itself on my computer. Can anyone help me with this or perhaps
direct me to some place that can provide the needed info to deal with this
junk once and for all?

Thanking you in advance for any assistance,


Sharon Miller

I ran Ad-aware and found additional items and removed them. I then clicked
on my little global search button and it came up completely blank. I got
this error report:

AppName: iexplore.exe
AppVer: 6.0.2800.1106
ModName: shell32.dll
ModVer: 4.72.3110.6
Offset: 0000240f

I'm guessing I deleted something I shouldn't have. Soooooo.....how do I fix
this latest problem? BTW, I'm running Win98.

Home Page Setting Changes Unexpectedly

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

HI--about a week ago I had a whole bunch of problems with my homepage being
hijacked and my computer being taken over by some miserable scumware. After
installing Spy Sweeper and Popup Stopper, I thought I was back to normal,
but that doesn't seem to be the case. While using IE 6 this morning, I
clicked on my little global search button and was directed to a search
engine I never heard of and once again, my home page was hijacked.

I need to know how to get rid of what ever this recurring garbage is that
has planted itself on my computer. Can anyone help me with this or perhaps
direct me to some place that can provide the needed info to deal with this
junk once and for all?

Thanking you in advance for any assistance,


Ramesh [MVP]

Check this one: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=249064

Addresses both issues in the same KB.

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

I ran Ad-aware and found additional items and removed them. I then clicked
on my little global search button and it came up completely blank. I got
this error report:

AppName: iexplore.exe
AppVer: 6.0.2800.1106
ModName: shell32.dll
ModVer: 4.72.3110.6
Offset: 0000240f

I'm guessing I deleted something I shouldn't have. Soooooo.....how do I fix
this latest problem? BTW, I'm running Win98.

Home Page Setting Changes Unexpectedly

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

HI--about a week ago I had a whole bunch of problems with my homepage being
hijacked and my computer being taken over by some miserable scumware. After
installing Spy Sweeper and Popup Stopper, I thought I was back to normal,
but that doesn't seem to be the case. While using IE 6 this morning, I
clicked on my little global search button and was directed to a search
engine I never heard of and once again, my home page was hijacked.

I need to know how to get rid of what ever this recurring garbage is that
has planted itself on my computer. Can anyone help me with this or perhaps
direct me to some place that can provide the needed info to deal with this
junk once and for all?

Thanking you in advance for any assistance,


Sharon Miller

Thank you for all your help so far. I took a second look at Ad-aware and
found that the items I thought were deleted were actually in quarantine.
(So I know where the shell32 thing is and three other registry items also.)

If I restore them, I'll be restoring the scumware with it. How do I proceed
from this point? (I feel a bit intimidated by the registry, considering all
the dire warnings I've read about tinkering with it.)

Check this one: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=249064

Addresses both issues in the same KB.

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

I ran Ad-aware and found additional items and removed them. I then clicked
on my little global search button and it came up completely blank. I got
this error report:

AppName: iexplore.exe
AppVer: 6.0.2800.1106
ModName: shell32.dll
ModVer: 4.72.3110.6
Offset: 0000240f

I'm guessing I deleted something I shouldn't have. Soooooo.....how do I fix
this latest problem? BTW, I'm running Win98.

Ramesh [MVP]

Let the items be there in quarantine. Don't restore them. Or, let's have that as last resort.

Did you try this, BTW? http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=249064

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

Thank you for all your help so far. I took a second look at Ad-aware and
found that the items I thought were deleted were actually in quarantine.
(So I know where the shell32 thing is and three other registry items also.)

If I restore them, I'll be restoring the scumware with it. How do I proceed
from this point? (I feel a bit intimidated by the registry, considering all
the dire warnings I've read about tinkering with it.)

Check this one: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=249064

Addresses both issues in the same KB.

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

I ran Ad-aware and found additional items and removed them. I then clicked
on my little global search button and it came up completely blank. I got
this error report:

AppName: iexplore.exe
AppVer: 6.0.2800.1106
ModName: shell32.dll
ModVer: 4.72.3110.6
Offset: 0000240f

I'm guessing I deleted something I shouldn't have. Soooooo.....how do I fix
this latest problem? BTW, I'm running Win98.

Sharon Miller

Ramesh--I re-read the FAQs on your pages and the MS bulletin and realized I
had missed something the first time around. I applied the solutions
mentioned on your pages plus installed the registry search function from the
link you had to Kelly's Korner. Things seem to be back to normal.

Thank you for all your help--it is most appreciated. :)


Let the items be there in quarantine. Don't restore them. Or, let's have
that as last resort.

Did you try this, BTW? http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=249064

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

Thank you for all your help so far. I took a second look at Ad-aware and
found that the items I thought were deleted were actually in quarantine.
(So I know where the shell32 thing is and three other registry items also.)

If I restore them, I'll be restoring the scumware with it. How do I proceed
from this point? (I feel a bit intimidated by the registry, considering all
the dire warnings I've read about tinkering with it.)

Ramesh [MVP]

Most welcome, Sharon :)

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP

Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

Ramesh--I re-read the FAQs on your pages and the MS bulletin and realized I
had missed something the first time around. I applied the solutions
mentioned on your pages plus installed the registry search function from the
link you had to Kelly's Korner. Things seem to be back to normal.

Thank you for all your help--it is most appreciated. :)


Let the items be there in quarantine. Don't restore them. Or, let's have
that as last resort.

Did you try this, BTW? http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=249064

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
Prevent Spyware from being installed:

Prevent malware from being installed - Part 2:

Thank you for all your help so far. I took a second look at Ad-aware and
found that the items I thought were deleted were actually in quarantine.
(So I know where the shell32 thing is and three other registry items also.)

If I restore them, I'll be restoring the scumware with it. How do I proceed
from this point? (I feel a bit intimidated by the registry, considering all
the dire warnings I've read about tinkering with it.)

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