Homepage hijack

  • Thread starter Thread starter David Ferguson
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David Ferguson said:
Hi My IE homepage has been hijacked by


Does anyone know how to get rid of this homepage - i've tried ad aware
browser blaster etc but with no joy

Isn't this illegal anyway?

Go to:

Unzip, double-click "HijackThis.exe" and Press "Scan".

When the scan is finished, the "Scan" button will change into a "Save Log"
Click: "Save Log" (generates "hijackthis.log")

Next, HijackThis | Config [button] | Misc Tools [button]
Click: Generate StartupList log [button] (generates "startuplist.txt")

Next, go to the below location: Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support.

Sign in, or post as a guest, then copy and paste both files in your message.



siljaline MS MVP IE/OE

(Please reply to group, as reply address is invalid, so that we can all benefit)

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because they almost always turn out to be -- or to be indistinguishable from
-- self-righteous sixteen-year-olds possessing infinite amounts of free time."
- Neil Stephenson, _Cryptonomicon_
I had my homepage taken over by www.locators.com without even visiting
those guys. All the more annoying that they changed the menus to my IE
and would make it crash anytime I would open IE.

Great stuff that I have found the resetBrowser.reg on this newsgroup
that fixed it.

Does Microsoft do anything against those services that take over your
page and p*ss everybody off. I wasted about 3 Hrs trying to solve this!