Home won't install



I had Home installed on my sys and the hard drive died. I put in a new
never been used drive and now home won't install. I get "Setup is
Inpecting hardware" splash. Then goes to blue screen on top
says"Windows Setup" it goes through where it loads the initial drivers
and says "Setup is Loading Files". The the blue screen stays the same
but on the bottom it says" Setup is starting Windows" and hangs there.
What do I need to do to make it advance into the install?


I'm not sure if this will work for you, but it did for me. I got CD
cleaning spray and cleaned my XP CD. Then wiped it with a cloth.

It may not work for you, like I said earlier.

Try it.


if your install cd came with the computer, it may be hardware specific, and
you will need to use the exact same hd that was originally installed on the
comp. otherwise, windows will not complete the install.

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