Home with SP2 to Upgrade to Pro



I have HP cpu with Home SP2 and I want to upgrade to Pro SP1 but it will not
allow me to do an upgrade. What steps do I need to take to install Pro?



daysolutions said:
I have HP cpu with Home SP2 and I want to upgrade to Pro SP1 but it will
allow me to do an upgrade. What steps do I need to take to install Pro?


you probably have a full retail cd of PRO that does not like to "upgrade" ,
do a fresh in stall and d/l SP2...

the other question is why do you need to upgrade ..the only difference is
some advanced networking addtions ..

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Not quite correct.
The full retail Windows XP Pro does "like" to upgrade, in fact the procedure
is identical to Windows XP Pro Upgrade and works very well with the same

The problem here is it is seen as a downgrade since Home has SP-2 and Pro
has SP-1.
The Service Pack makes the difference in this case.
The OP needs to slipstream SP-2 into Pro or uninstall SP-2 from Home.

For the second part, there is far more than "only difference is some
advanced networking additions" but most are not needed by most home users:

Ken Blake, MVP

Haggis said:
you probably have a full retail cd of PRO that does not like to
"upgrade" , do a fresh in stall and d/l SP2...

No, this isn't correct. The Full retail version does an upgrade identically
to the Upgrade version. The only versions which won't do upgrades are OEM

His problem is that he has SP2 installed, and his XP Professional Upgrade is
without it, so it is an older version than what's installed.

He has two choices:

1. Uninstall SP2, do the upgrade, then reinstall SP2.

2. Create a slipstreamed version of XP Professional, including SP2, and use
it. See http://forum.aumha.org/viewtopic.php?t=7262

the other question is why do you need to upgrade ..the only
difference is some advanced networking addtions ..

Not quite. Although it's true that most home users don't need Professional,
and won't even see a difference between it and Home, it's *not* true that
"the only difference is some advanced networking addtions ." Besides
networking differences (primarily the ability to join a domain), there are
security differences. Also Professional includes support for two processors
(Home only one) and includes IIS.



I stand corrected ...I didn't think enough on the different SP's installed


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