home page

  • Thread starter Thread starter dee
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dee,you are in trouble! I had this happen to me and I was unable to get my
home page back again. In Internet Options you are supposed to be able to
click on and change your home page etc. My button wouldn't work. From what I
can gather,I had a browser hijacking. This is serious. Are you running Norton
security or ad aware and spybot security? Ad aware and spybot are free. You
can get their web sites via google and download per their instructions.

My home page was msn, so I wrote to them. They did manage to get it back for
me. I cannot access the option to change it. You may have some kind of bug or
virus! Your home page should not be blank!

I'm a newbie! My answers may not be the best but I'm trying to help you.
Good Luck!
Pat O'Leary
Thanks for thati have ad aware and northens nothing
from them can tell me about a viruse i have explorer i
will see if someone from there company can help thanks
dee: I read a lot on community forums. Dell community forum is a good one. I
think anyone can access it to read only. There were lots of people there
having your same problem and mine. They didn't have an answer as to how to
restore your home page. I'm not sure it can be "easily done". Experienced
people can access the registry, but the registry is off limits if you don't
know what you're doing. You can mess up your whole computer real bad;lose the
net etc. and it can cost you! I wouldn't touch it. Microsoft or msn might be
able to help you,especially if you want msn for your home page. Microsoft
charges some fees for certain things. Keep reading and learning all you can
on discussion groups. It isn't easy to get the help you need! There's lots of
help, but not necessarily what we require, and a lot of it applies to
experienced computer operators. They know how to use the registry etc. It is
complicated I assure you. If you are using free security companies. you need
more than one. Each one does a little bit; a certain field only.
Hi Dee - It sounds like you might need some assistance removing this
particular malware.

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download a new
fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED frequently.)
You may also get it here if that link is blocked:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check "Show
hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system
files". (You may want to restore these when you're all finished with

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip HijackThis.zip into its own dedicated folder
at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder or on your
Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT then press Scan. Click on SaveLog
when it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config
button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate StartupList.log which will
create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here:

or Tom Coyote here: http://forums.tomcoyote.org/index.php?act=idx

Sign in, then copy and paste both files into a message asking for
assistance, Someone will answer with detailed instructions for the removal
of your parasite(s).

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make a new,
clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly infected)
ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP
you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The
System Restore option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there
hasn't been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually create
one before dumping the old possibly infected ones.

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing Eric
Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help prevent this
kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/ehowes/www/resource.htm "IE-SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of Internet
Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains into the Registry,
the web sites for these companies will not be able to use cookies, ActiveX
controls, Java applets, or scripting to compromise your privacy or your PC
while you surf the Net. Nor will they be able to use your browser to push
unwanted pop-ups, cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read

http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html (Prevents malware Active
X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory resident ... no CPU or memory
load - but keep it UPDATED) The latest version as of this writing will
prevent installation or prevent the malware from running if it is already
installed, and it provides information and fixit-links for a variety of

http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareguard.html (Monitors for attempts to
install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very Highly Recommended

Next, install and keep updated a good HOSTS file. It can help you avoid
most adware/malware. See here: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm
(Be sure it's named/renamed HOSTS - all caps, no extension) Additional
tutorials here:
(detailed) and here: http://www.spywarewarrior.com/viewtopic.php?t=410

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates are

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Jim: I've been reading your response to Dee. Thanks for taking the time to
inform us. I will definitely print out your reply.I have a thread on "Email
Jumps to the Desktop". No one is responding. Would you have an answer? I will
be typing a message. If I "undo" it (or out of the blue) I will find the
typed message on my desktop. Email is also scanned on the desktop. Would
there possibly be a button clicked on that shouldn't be or some such
abnormality? I am in the wrong thread I know. Sorry,Dee. Jim,if you can
help,I'd really appreciate it. Please reply in my thread. Thanks!

Jim Byrd said:
Hi Dee - It sounds like you might need some assistance removing this
particular malware.

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download a new
fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED frequently.)
You may also get it here if that link is blocked:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check "Show
hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system
files". (You may want to restore these when you're all finished with

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip HijackThis.zip into its own dedicated folder
at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder or on your
Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT then press Scan. Click on SaveLog
when it's finished which will create hijackthis.log. Now click the Config
button, then Misc Tools and click on Generate StartupList.log which will
create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here:

or Tom Coyote here: http://forums.tomcoyote.org/index.php?act=idx

Sign in, then copy and paste both files into a message asking for
assistance, Someone will answer with detailed instructions for the removal
of your parasite(s).

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make a new,
clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly infected)
ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary Woodruff: For XP
you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in the More Options tab. The
System Restore option removes all but the latest Restore Point. If there
hasn't been one made since the system was cleaned you should manually create
one before dumping the old possibly infected ones.

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing Eric
Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help prevent this
kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/ehowes/www/resource.htm "IE-SPYAD adds
a long list of sites and domains associated with known advertisers,
marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted sites zone of Internet
Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites and domains into the Registry,
the web sites for these companies will not be able to use cookies, ActiveX
controls, Java applets, or scripting to compromise your privacy or your PC
while you surf the Net. Nor will they be able to use your browser to push
unwanted pop-ups, cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read

http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html (Prevents malware Active
X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory resident ... no CPU or memory
load - but keep it UPDATED) The latest version as of this writing will
prevent installation or prevent the malware from running if it is already
installed, and it provides information and fixit-links for a variety of

http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareguard.html (Monitors for attempts to
install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very Highly Recommended

Next, install and keep updated a good HOSTS file. It can help you avoid
most adware/malware. See here: http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm
(Be sure it's named/renamed HOSTS - all caps, no extension) Additional
tutorials here:
(detailed) and here: http://www.spywarewarrior.com/viewtopic.php?t=410

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates are

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

dee said:
I get a blank page everytime i try to go to my home page
Hi Pat - You'll make out better if you'll post your problem in
microsoft.public.windows.inetexplorer.ie6_outlookexpress newsgroup.

Your current description of your problem is too informative for me, so post
your problem there with a complete explaination, to include your Operating
System and which Service Packs (SP's) you have installed, which version of
IE and OE you're using to include the SP level and current hotfixes (see
IE|Help|About and OE|Help|About for that), a detailed description of the
problem to include when it started (after installing/uninstalling
something?), what you do, what happens, any error messages, etc., what
corrective steps you've tried, what Anti-Virus and Firewall you're using,
any recent programs you've installed, and so forth. The more detailed (but
not unnecessary) information you can provide, the better the "gurus" in that
forum will be able to assist you.

See here for more info about Making a Good Newsgroup Post:
http://www.dts-l.org/goodpost.htm and here:

There's some possibility that your problem may be due to a malware
infestation. You might want go to this page at Jim Eshelman's site, here:
http://aumha.org/a/noads.htm or here:
http://inetexplorer.mvps.org/parasite.htm and wait a little bit (be
patient), while an analysis of a number of possible parasites on your
machine will be made to help you identify and remove them. NOTE: You will
need to disable Ad Blocking in Zone Alarm 3.x or later, if present or any
other Ad Blocking software which interferes with Java Scripting for this
scan to work. You should get a message between the two lines of **** giving
the results of the scan. If anything shows up, then include that
information in your post in .ie6_outlookexpress, and someone will help with
the removal.

As a general measure, you might also want to try the following:

Download and run Stinger.exe, here:
http://download.nai.com/products/mcafee-avert/stinger.exe or from the link
on this page: http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/

Download sysclean.com , from Trend Micro, here:
http://www.trendmicro.com/download/dcs.asp along with the latest pattern
file, here: http://www.trendmicro.com/download/pattern.asp (You might also
want to get Art's updater, SYS-UP.Zip, here for future updating of these:
http://home.epix.net/~artnpeg/). Be sure to read the
"How to Use", here: http://www.trendmicro.com/ftp/products/tsc/readme.txt.
Place them in a dedicated folder after appropriate unzipping, and then run.
(If you download and use SYS-UP updater from the beginning, it will handle
downloading the other files for you.) Note that the sysclean scan may take
some time, as it's VERY thorough since it addresses a number of malware
problems as well as the normal AV viruses/torjans/worms, etc.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

Pat O'Leary said:
Jim: I've been reading your response to Dee. Thanks for taking the
time to inform us. I will definitely print out your reply.I have a
thread on "Email Jumps to the Desktop". No one is responding. Would
you have an answer? I will be typing a message. If I "undo" it (or
out of the blue) I will find the typed message on my desktop. Email
is also scanned on the desktop. Would there possibly be a button
clicked on that shouldn't be or some such abnormality? I am in the
wrong thread I know. Sorry,Dee. Jim,if you can help,I'd really
appreciate it. Please reply in my thread. Thanks!

Jim Byrd said:
Hi Dee - It sounds like you might need some assistance removing this
particular malware.

Download HijackThis, free, here: (Always download
a new fresh copy of HijackThis [and CWShredder also] - It's UPDATED
frequently.) You may also get it here if that link is blocked:

In Windows Explorer, click on Tools|Folder Options|View and check
"Show hidden files and folders" and uncheck "Hide protected
operating system files". (You may want to restore these when you're
all finished with HijackThis.)

Place HijackThis.exe or unzip HijackThis.zip into its own dedicated
folder at the root level such as C:\HijackThis (NOT in a Temp folder
or on your Desktop), reboot to Safe mode, start HT then press Scan.
Click on SaveLog when it's finished which will create
hijackthis.log. Now click the Config button, then Misc Tools and
click on Generate StartupList.log which will create Startuplist.txt

Then go to one of the following forums:

Spyware and Hijackware Removal Support, here:

or Net-Integration here:

or Tom Coyote here: http://forums.tomcoyote.org/index.php?act=idx

Sign in, then copy and paste both files into a message asking for
assistance, Someone will answer with detailed instructions for the
removal of your parasite(s).

ONLY IF you've successfully eliminated the malware, you can now make
a new, clean Restore Point and delete any previously saved (possibly
infected) ones. The following suggested approach is courtesy of Gary
Woodruff: For XP you can run a Disk Cleanup cycle and then look in
the More Options tab. The System Restore option removes all but the
latest Restore Point. If there hasn't been one made since the system
was cleaned you should manually create one before dumping the old
possibly infected ones. *******

Once you get this cleaned up, you might want to consider installing
Eric Howes' IESpyAds, SpywareBlaster and SpywareGuard here to help
prevent this kind of thing from happening in the future:

IESpyads - https://netfiles.uiuc.edu/ehowes/www/resource.htm
"IE-SPYAD adds a long list of sites and domains associated with
known advertisers, marketers, and crapware pushers to the Restricted
sites zone of Internet Explorer. Once you merge this list of sites
and domains into the Registry, the web sites for these companies
will not be able to use cookies, ActiveX controls, Java applets, or
scripting to compromise your privacy or your PC while you surf the
Net. Nor will they be able to use your browser to push unwanted
pop-ups, cookies, or auto-installing programs on your PC." Read

http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html (Prevents
malware Active X installs) (BTW, SpyWareBlaster is not memory
resident ... no CPU or memory load - but keep it UPDATED) The latest
version as of this writing will prevent installation or prevent the
malware from running if it is already installed, and it provides
information and fixit-links for a variety of parasites.

http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareguard.html (Monitors for
attempts to install malware) Keep it UPDATED. All three Very Highly

Next, install and keep updated a good HOSTS file. It can help you
avoid most adware/malware. See here:
http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm (Be sure it's
named/renamed HOSTS - all caps, no extension) Additional tutorials
(detailed) and here:
http://www.spywarewarrior.com/viewtopic.php?t=410 (overview)

Finally, go to Windows Update and ensure that ALL Critical updates
are installed.

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP

dee said:
I get a blank page everytime i try to go to my home page
Sorry, that should have been "isn't too informative". :)

Please respond in the same thread.
Regards, Jim Byrd, MS-MVP
