Home page



I really hope someone here can help me because if not I'm
going postal on someone. Some how somewhere I seemed to
have picked up this little jewel


and it has effectively changed my home page. I've tried
deleting it from my computer in more ways than I care to
say with no luck at all. Any advice would be greatly



I seen this problem a couple of days ago. I dont know a
fox and I doubt youll find one either. Theres a hidden
dll file that regenerates the dll file thats reseting
your home page. Save a headache, back up your stuff and
-----Original Message-----

Dave Lowther

-----Original Message-----
fox and I doubt youll find one either. Theres a hidden
dll file that regenerates the dll file thats reseting
your home page. Save a headache, back up your stuff and

Format sounds a bit drastic as a first resort.

Search this newsgroup for "hijack", "adaware", "spybot" there is plenty
of advice on here already about how to get rid of this kind of thing.


Will Denny

Hi Dave

Try these programs to check for any spyware that may be on your system:

Ad-Aware - www.lavasoftusa.com
Spybot - http://www.safer-networking.org/
CWShredder - http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/downloads.html

Try SpyWareBlaster to stop intrusions:


Also see the following links:



Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups

| I really hope someone here can help me because if not I'm
| going postal on someone. Some how somewhere I seemed to
| have picked up this little jewel
| res.enavc.dll/index.html#37794
| and it has effectively changed my home page. I've tried
| deleting it from my computer in more ways than I care to
| say with no luck at all. Any advice would be greatly
| appreciated.
| Dave


Dave I know what you mean! I've contracted it too and I
followed all of this information to a T and cannot shake
it either! When you thinks it's gone it regenerates
itself and comes back in the same for but a different
code! Thinking format is indeed the only way unless
somebody else has some bright ideas!


OK I figured it out! After going thru the previously
outlined routine again and again, I noticed that
everytime after I ran hijack one file would always come
back: apijg.exe This file is inbedded in your
C:WINDOWS/system32 file. Anyway that's where I found
mine. First drag the apijg.exe file out onto your
desktop. Don't bother trying to delete it coz you can't.
It will give you a disk write full or other program in
use message. But here is what you do to disable this
bitch. Right click on it rename it and remove the .exe
status. This cripples the file and windows can't open it
antmore! So it can't generate new BHO's! Put it wherever
you like, it doesn't matter coz it's been neutrlized and
you can't delete it! Now unhide ALL your files in the
system32 file. You will find numerous dll and dat files
with the same conspicious 3 or 4 letter names. Check them
all for their "created" dates and if they coincide to the
problems you have been having DELETE THEM ALL with a
secure deletion program like Kremlin or EE. Now check all
your browser settings in Hijack again and reset URL and
Home pages with Spyware Blaster and you can surf to your
heart's content until someone comes up with another bitch
like this! Boy will I sleep good tonight!!!

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