is there any way to play a music file when I open my homepage.
I am an F1 fan and I have BBC F1 as my homepage.
I would like to add the F1 theme music to this page.
What browser are you using ? The only thing I can think of is to create a batch file that would open your browser and the audio tack you want playing at the same time.
Right click anywhere on your desktop go to new then text document. Now just click anywhere on your desktop. Now go to text document you just created and double click it and notepad will open.
in notepad type Start Firefox.exe
Then save it as Firefox.bat
when you double click on the firefox.bat file saved on your desktop firefox will open.
for what you want to do type as follows into notepad and save as firefox.bat
Start Firefox.exe
Start " enter the full path of the track you want played "
Save that as Firefox.bat.
You can also change the .bat icon as in the image below to a Firefox icon
Another way may to be create a "greasemonkey" script for Firefox - this lets you add little snippets of code to webpages (only for your session) and I'm sure it must be possible to play music this way.
I have got to enter the full path but unfortunately I don't know how to find this.
I have tried searching for the answer with no luck.
Hope you can help.
Thanks Ian as you can tell my technical skills are lacking.
ps I saved the the file (wav) to my desktop which opens with Windows media player (not sure if this is important or not).
Save .wav file to your music folder. Then go to music folder and right click on the file and go to properties. There you will be able to find the path to the track.
I am looking into Ian's idea of using Greasemonkey, just because I like a challenge. I will post here if I figure it out.
When I try to save the file as Firefox.bat a warning comes up that Firefox.bat already exists do I want to replace it!!
Does c:\users\public\music sound like the full path to you?
Hope I'm not boring you!
I have been working on this for a while with no success.
I have got the .bat icon on the desktop and this does open Firefox.
Do I type the path of the music file in the same .bat as above or do I have to create a new .bat file with a different saved name?
I have experimented with this. When I type Start Firefox.exe
then Start "c:\users\public\public music"
Firefox opens but no music.
A black screen opens at the same time c:\Users\Tim and Carolien\Desktop>
I found the path of the music file in properties\ details\ folder path. I guess this is correct.
I've got an alternative that may work a little better for you, as it avoids having to run a batch file
If you create a file somewhere on your PC called f1music.html, and open it in notepad and add this content:
<audio autoplay>
<source src="f1music.wav" type="audio/wav" />
Your browser does not support the <audio> element.
Add the f1music.wav file to the same directory as the html file.
Then, open up FF and open the HTML file you've just created and the F1 homepage as two tabs. Then, make them both open as the default homepage using this link:
Thanks for the download.
I have added the content to Notepad.
To add the .wav file to the html file I highligted all the content and pasted it to the html?
This seemed to work!
I opened FF and the f1 web page is my default.
Q.how do I make the html file open as a tab.