home page designation

  • Thread starter Thread starter Karen
  • Start date Start date


Using FP03, I am a person who chooses to create a home page last, after I've
assembled all my content. According to the "help files" within FP which
access online help, you can designate your home page by right-clicking on a
page in folders view and selecting "make home page". I do not have such a
selection available.
Maybe you could go crazy and just rename the file you want to be the home

This would involve using your keyboard, but I think you can handle it.

Bob Lehmann
I didn't appreciate your reply - isn't it important to have your home page
named "index.htm"? So how can I change its name?
Karen said:
I didn't appreciate your reply - isn't it important to have your home
page named "index.htm"? So how can I change its name?

Hi, Karen

I think what Bob is saying is just rename the file.

You can do it in Windows Explorer. Whether doing it there is any different
from doing it FrontPage, I don't know.

I am no expert, so I would try this (Windows Epxlorer). It can't do any
Don't do it from Windows Explorerrrr, do it from within the web - in FP.

Typical home page file names depending on host server: index.htm,
index.html, default.htm, default.html. Karen you should check with what your
host requires to make sure you end up with only one home page, as FP will
automatically adjust to what host requires you could end up with two home

| Karen wrote:
| > I didn't appreciate your reply - isn't it important to have your home
| > page named "index.htm"? So how can I change its name?
| Hi, Karen
| I think what Bob is saying is just rename the file.
| You can do it in Windows Explorer. Whether doing it there is any different
| from doing it FrontPage, I don't know.
| I am no expert, so I would try this (Windows Epxlorer). It can't do any
| harm.
| --
| Cheers,
| Trevor L.
| Website: http://tandcl.homemail.com.au
Dear Karen,

Ignore Bob Lehmann. He is the smartest guy in the world, and won't let you
forget it. I was there at his coronation at http://bozo.ihateclowns.com -
why he even posts here is a mystery. He is far too advanced to offer
anything but examples of his amazing wit here. His help? Well, none of us
could understand it anyway.

If you are using FrontPage, the "Folder View" (a slim column at the left)
will show one page as a house icon. That's the 'Home Page'. If it is already
a house, no need to change. If you have a page, say "default.htm" in your
web, it might be the house icon - the home page. In 'Navigation View', right
click the index.htm and choose "Set as Home Page". This is a generally
meaningless convention in FP, except for the FP navigation bar issues, which
should be avoided like Bob Lehmann.

One thought, though. If you are building your web for the first time, and
are hosted on an IIS (Windows-based) server, try naming pages with the
extension '.asp' instead of '.htm'. ASP (Active Server Pages) are exactly
like htm pages in every way, except that you can do so much more with .asp
pages, like use databases, perform server-based functions, etc. etc. etc. If
you need them later and have to rename, it is a navigation nightmare. Very
soon you will want to use dynamic content, and you will thank me. Rename
index.htm to index.asp, and so on. Good luck, Karen; I expect great things
from you.
Gee, you're much nicer than the others! You see, my problem was that I
created a page and named it index.htm. But FP didn't know it was my home
page - it designated my top border of shared borders as the home page. I
wanted to change the home page to my index.htm, but it finally dawned on me
that I had it in another directory - that's why FP wouldn't let me change
it! But thanks to everyone for all the extra information!
The home page name should be whatever your host requires (not necessarily
"index.htm"; there are several choices like default, index, home etc with
the various extensions like htm, html, asp, aspx, php etc). but all you do
is rename it in the file list in frontpage, or save it under a different
file name.
any folder can have an index page, but your home index page must be in the
root folder.
if you have it in the wrong folder, in folder view you can just drag the one
you have in the wrong folder into the root, then designate it as the home

| Gee, you're much nicer than the others! You see, my problem was that I
| created a page and named it index.htm. But FP didn't know it was my home
| page - it designated my top border of shared borders as the home page. I
| wanted to change the home page to my index.htm, but it finally dawned on
| that I had it in another directory - that's why FP wouldn't let me change
| it! But thanks to everyone for all the extra information!
| | > Dear Karen,
| >
| > Ignore Bob Lehmann. He is the smartest guy in the world, and won't let
| > forget it. I was there at his coronation at
http://bozo.ihateclowns.com -
| > why he even posts here is a mystery. He is far too advanced to offer
| > anything but examples of his amazing wit here. His help? Well, none of
| > could understand it anyway.
| >
| > If you are using FrontPage, the "Folder View" (a slim column at the
| > will show one page as a house icon. That's the 'Home Page'. If it is
| already
| > a house, no need to change. If you have a page, say "default.htm" in
| > web, it might be the house icon - the home page. In 'Navigation View',
| right
| > click the index.htm and choose "Set as Home Page". This is a generally
| > meaningless convention in FP, except for the FP navigation bar issues,
| which
| > should be avoided like Bob Lehmann.
| >
| > One thought, though. If you are building your web for the first time,
| > are hosted on an IIS (Windows-based) server, try naming pages with the
| > extension '.asp' instead of '.htm'. ASP (Active Server Pages) are
| > like htm pages in every way, except that you can do so much more with
| > pages, like use databases, perform server-based functions, etc. etc.
| If
| > you need them later and have to rename, it is a navigation nightmare.
| > soon you will want to use dynamic content, and you will thank me. Rename
| > index.htm to index.asp, and so on. Good luck, Karen; I expect great
| > from you.
| > --
| > Nicholas Savalas - http://savalas.tv
| > ---------------------------------------------------------
| >
| > | > >I didn't appreciate your reply - isn't it important to have your home
| page
| > > named "index.htm"? So how can I change its name?
| > >
| > > | > >> Maybe you could go crazy and just rename the file you want to be the
| home
| > >> page.
| > >>
| > >> This would involve using your keyboard, but I think you can handle
| > >>
| > >> Bob Lehmann
| > >>
| > >> | > >> > Using FP03, I am a person who chooses to create a home page last,
| after
| > >> I've
| > >> > assembled all my content. According to the "help files" within FP
| > >> > which
| > >> > access online help, you can designate your home page by
| right-clicking
| > > on
| > >> a
| > >> > page in folders view and selecting "make home page". I do not have
| > >> > such
| > > a
| > >> > selection available.
| > >> >
| > >> >
| > >>
| > >>
| > >
| > >
| >
| >