Home Network has problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Atanu Ghose
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Atanu Ghose

I am trying to set up a Home network.

Basically two machines
1)Vista CTP 5308>AMD Athlon 2800+/MSI motherboard/512 MB/80GBHDD/nVidia
GeForce 5600 128MB/ 3Com USB Wireless 802.11g/Realtek PCI Ethernet card
2) Windows XP SP2>Acer Travelmate 4002 WNLCi/Centrino 1.7/512MB/60GB HDD/Ati
Radeon 9700, 64MB/3Com USB Wireless 802.11G

Could not install Vista on the Acer, it kept bluescreening after about 35%
of the 2nd stage of install (safe mode didn't work either). Installed fine
on Desktop.

My desktop is connected to the internet using a LAN connection given by my
service provider (I believe this unique to India). Problem is I can't get to
setup a small office/home office network on Vista. They are on the same
workgroup, XP on the Acer is setup to connect to the Vista desktop which
has WF/ICS turned on, browse is enabled, the wireless is set to ad-hoc. The
wireless adapters are connecting (I do not have a wireless access point),
but I don't see a SOHO network setup ala Windows XP. I have tried every
setup possible in Network Center.

Would appreciate any help.

Atanu Ghose
Trisoft Systems
hi ndre,

Thanks.I have already done this i.e. put both pc's on the same workgroup.But
ICS pc needs to provide the IP address to the other pc and this is not
happenning. Typically the ICS pc has as the IP (the home network
does this) and becomes a DHCP server so that other pc's on the workgroup can
pick up their IPs from the ICS pc. I have even "hardcoded" the IP
( into the client pc but they can't talk to each other.

Any help will be appreciated.

Atanu Ghose