Home key behavior question

  • Thread starter Thread starter BigB
  • Start date Start date


I just made the transition from Excel97 to Excel 2007 and am
struggling with the usage of the home key. For years I have been
using a bank balance journal that I created with Excel97. The sheet
contains 5 columns (A-E) and is protected with the cells in columns A-
D unlocked and the cells in column E locked. When this spread is open
in Excel97 the home key will make the cell in column A of current row
active. When open in Excel 2007 the home key activates the first
unlocked cell in column A (A7 in my case as A1 thru E6 are locked). I
have tried recreating the sheet from scratch in Excel 2007 but as soon
as I protect the sheet the home key behavior changes to the first
unlocked cell rather than the first cell in the current row. Anyone
know if there is a way to fix this?

FWIW, the "Transition navigation keys" setting in Excel
Options>Advanced>Lotus compatibility is disabled.

FYI, I unlock cells then protect sheet to facilitate data entry as
this configuration causes the tab key to advance to the next available
unlocked cell.

When you right click the sheet tab>Protect sheet ensure that you have Select
Locked cells and Select Unlocked cells checked.
You will then have the same behaviour as with XL97.
In this mode, if you have Move direction after pressing Enter set to move
Right, using the Enter key will not cause the selection to move to the start
of the next row, but pressing Tab will.

If you de-select, Select Locked cells when you Protect the sheet, using
Enter to move to the next entry will move you down a row to the beginning of
the next row, but pressing Home will take you to the first unlocked cell.
The reason for protecting the sheet is to not allow locked cells to be
selected so checking the option that allows selection of locked cells is a
bit unintuitive but it works. Thanks Roger!
