You may be asking two different questions here:
1) What program runs when an "special" key is pressed
2) What URL that program automatically visits when it runs
On (1); "special" dummy keys such as "The Internet" (meaning "a web
browser" as a rule) and "eMail" fall outside of the standard OS
Control Panel and so on. There will typically be an added utility or
Control Panel icon particular to your brand of eMachine - so advice
from (say) a Compaq user may be only conceptually valid for a (say)
Dell user. Start by reading the computer's manual or web site.
On (2); the start page is set within the program itself (if Internet
Explorer, go Tools, (Internet) Options, General tab...). Attempts to
do this may be confounded by commercial malware that may:
- run underfoot and re-inflict their choice of start or search page
- lock you out of changing these settings
- hi-jack the URLs you use via a dropped HOSTS file
- re-inflict changes whenever you visit that web site
If you follow the manual or Help and find your settings are ignored,
or revert on next startup, post back and we'll get meaty.
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If you're happy and you know it, clunk your chains.