
  • Thread starter Thread starter Tibby
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Okay, I've made my DLL with COM interop so it can be used with VB6, and it works like a charm, my question is, how do I register it and it's .tlb file on another computer so I can use it there? Since it's from VB6, I can't use any late-binding or anything like that.

* "Tibby" <[email protected]> scripsit:

Please change that!
Okay, I've made my DLL with COM interop so it can be used with VB6, and it works like a charm, my question is, how do I register
it and it's .tlb file on another computer so I can use it there?  Since it's from VB6, I can't use any late-binding or anything
like that.

Adjust your newsreader to wrap lines after 76 characters.

You can use the "regasm.exe" framework tool to register the component.
Notice that the .NET framework must be installed on the destination
|| * "Tibby" <[email protected]> scripsit:
|| ^^^^^^^^^^^
|| Please change that!

A command from the person who says *PLONK* in capitals!!

A bit hypocritical there, eh Mr Censor?

Dear Herfried

Please tell this poster <not> to use Html and especially <not> to use a
vertical bar to quote the message to which he is responding.

Please tell him that it is inconsiderate towards you and greatly
inconveniences your newsreader which won't understand the way that he is
quoting and won't therefore know how to apply its colouring.

Please tell him that while the majority of people in this newsgroup use OE
or the web to access this service, and are able to view Html posts perfectly,
those, such as you, who have a non-standard newsreader cannot (or can you),
and finally,

Please tell this person that you will not tolerate such blatent disregard
for the rules.

Go on. I dare you.

Hi Ken, Tibby,
My apologies - I've dragged you into a 'discussion'. ;-)
Well, OE doesn't have that option that I've ever seen and I do post in
Plain Text, so don't know what else, and why change my e-mail address? That
was what we named our first cat, and yes, I do know what it means which is
why I choose it. I lived in Bavaria, I know a little of the language, and I
like my e-mail.
But anyhew, thank you for the answer. It will prove to be most helpful.

* "Fergus Cooney said:
A command from the person who says *PLONK* in capitals!!

Some information about "plonk" in newsgroup jargon:

A bit hypocritical there, eh Mr Censor?

There is a _big_ difference. "Plonk" has different connotations,
"Tierscheiss" doesn't.
* "Tibby said:
Well, OE doesn't have that option that I've ever seen and I do post in
Plain Text, so don't know what else, and why change my e-mail address? That
was what we named our first cat, and yes, I do know what it means which is
why I choose it. I lived in Bavaria, I know a little of the language, and I
like my e-mail.

This post shows up in text mode. Thanks!
I haven't changed anything, hmmm, wonderful Microsoft strikes again!
Anyhew, animal sh%t only has one cannotation, I know LMAO It's kinda funny
when people find out what it means.

Anyhew, I'm off on another search now, and coming up to more dead-ends
* "Tibby said:
I haven't changed anything, hmmm, wonderful Microsoft strikes again!
Anyhew, animal sh%t only has one cannotation, I know LMAO It's kinda funny
when people find out what it means.

Ich wohne ja auch in Österreich, daher verstehe ich solche Dinge

* "Cor said:
Why do they know so much about "tierscheiss" in Austria?


There are lots of animals in Austria. In Vienna there are lots of dogs
and very few parks.
