Hmmm, never seen that before?


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I am playing some CDs, as I do, and one was being a little naughty in the drive, so I stopped it playing.

I inadvertently double-clicked on it an of course the 'folder' opened ... in Linux you only need single-click ... now I was err, a little surprised to see several 'folders' staring at me.

The one that caught my eye was the MP3 folder :confused: never seen one on a commercial shop bought genuine CD before ... so I opened it, yep there are all the tracks in MP3 format. So I'm popping in random CDs out of my collection and I haven't yet found one without this MP3 folder.

Well I haven't seen it before, mind I never really looked. :D

... and I'm still trying my CDs, so far they all contain an MP3 folder & CDA & OGG & WAV ... no need to do any 'ripping' then do I. :p

I would be interested if anybody else has seen this. :thumb:
Me__2001 said:
thats a new one, do you reckon all linux distro's can see them ?
I don't know ... as I said, I've never really 'looked' at what 'files' are on a music CD, all I ever done is plonk 'em in the drive and crank up the volume. :D

I know the "ogg" format is Linux, for playing music, and these 'folders' ARE on the CDs ... I still have not found one that hasn't got them. :cool:

Do you see them?
Me__2001 said:
i cant find them on XP, but i've been doing some googling and it seems that using KDE ? and konqueror

i dont know if its just virtual or they are actually there
They are actually there ... I tested one and copied the MP3s to my music folder ... took out the CD, just to make sure it was not a symbolic link, and played them.

Neat ... :D

I is off googling ...
That is pretty crazy... and friggin cool at the same time. Hey is OGG also called Og Vorbis... because i'm pretty sure WinAmp rips in that format, or at least offer the plugin to do it.
Oh I have a KORN music CD with web address,4 videos and MP3 on it from the record label company.

Utt Oo now U all know what kinda music l listen too.