Hmmm i'll have 10 please

These things have been out for 5 months now and they ain't selling well at all...
Reason is why bother when you already have a perfectly good dvd player in the front room already...And a dvd collection which has cost you the earth to put together....People ain't gonna wanna buy the same dvd's all over again in the blue-ray format, which is gonna cost them a fortune just to say i got one of those new players...

Word is from one of my friends that work in a very well known particular electrical superstore, is that the Blue-ray format has fell flat on it's arse cause no-ones buying...

And to be honest neither am I...
Aye I can well believe that m8.

Only time I will buy a player/recorder is when they eventually drop to the price of standard dvd players now!

Fantastic for backup purposes I recon?
I think eventually, we'll all be forced to move over from DVD to Blue Ray or HD disks and I'm sure the prices will drop significantly. It happened with VHS to DVD for example. I've only just about managed to get my DVD collection sorted out from the old video tapes so am hoping not to change over for at least a few years...
I've seen a Black Hawk Down blue ray disc being played on Playstation three and I must say it is quite impressive. Whether its worth the money really depends on the size of your TV I guess but the quality is noticeably better as is the sound. However I'd never spend 850 quid on one. Thats mental
Nah, ain't buying one of those..... yet.

Remember how much the first CD writers cost? Now they're peanuts.

Quite happy watching DVD movies on stand alone player/32" widescreen or even on my computer, tbh.