Occurs in the mode (not full slide mode) as in the
picture. If I right click on a movie, click play OR just
double click the movie, it plays fine, however as soon as
I move off the movie, by clicking to stop it or clicking
somewhere else, then the program freezes and a dialog box
comes up that says "the specified device is now being
closed, wait a few seconds and then try again"
The movies play fine in fullscreen mode, its only in
slidesorter mode that the problem occurs..plese help me.
That'd be Slide or Normal View rather than slidesorter, right? (As Austin
reminds me, you can't play movies from slidesorter view).
A couple of us have kicked this around a bit and so far the suggestions we've
come up with are:
- If it hurts when you do that, don't do that. ;-)
In other words, play the movies from slide show view instead of from normal
view. You can click the little screen-like icon in the lower left corner of
your PPT screen to launch slideshow view on the current slide rather than
having to start from the first slide each time.
- It may be a bug in the way PPT2003 handles certain types of media.
As a workaround, live with the "Don't Do That" (aka DDT) non-solution until a
patch for PPT comes out. Or if that's not acceptable, drop back to 2002 for
the time being; you mentioned that you'd tried it on your home PC and that it
worked w/o problems.
- Something odd about the movie files?
Do you have any way of tracking where the different movie files came from or
what program created them? If so, it might be very useful to compare the ones
that cause problems vs those that don't.
It might be possible to convert from one format to another with a utility
program of some sort. (We're waiting for MediaMavenMyers, Austin, to come up
with some suggestions on that front)
And finally, if you can narrow down the problem to a particular type of file,
or even to a specific file that's small enough to email or post on a web/ftp
site, let us know (here) and well see if we can't replicate the problem and get
the file to MS for testing.
Ah. And have you tried setting video acceleration back on the PC with the
problem? This just occurred to me.