'Dave Cohen' wrote:
| I run Spybot and Teatimer. I always get a number of hits, some of which
| are Advertising.com, Avenue A, FastClick. I'm curious as to why Teatimer
| isn't catching these.
The 'hits' you list are 'cookies', very small data files that some web sites
place on your computer to store information. Benign 'cookies' are use to
save preferences and necessary information for some secure websites (a
utility company online bill site, for example. Less benign 'cookies' can be
used to track, anonymously, usage of a particular website (number of unique
visits, for example. Privacy violating 'cookies' track usage across
websites and use the information for targeted advertising (advertising.com,
Avenue A, FastClick, etc.)
A Spybot Search & Destroy scan detects spyware and cookies known to be
privacy violators.
Teatimer protects against malicious PROCESSES that try to execute.
'Cookies' are just data and can't execute. For real-time protection against
cookies, use your browser cookie permission policy.
Phil Weldon
|I run Spybot and Teatimer. I always get a number of hits, some of which
| are Advertising.com, Avenue A, FastClick. I'm curious as to why Teatimer
| isn't catching these.
| Dave Cohen