Hit Counters

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tim
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Just wondering if there is any way to have a hit counter
that counts the hits on another page. i.e. the site that
I have to develop has a project team section that is
password protected. Is there any way to show the counter
on that page, but count the hits for the homepage?

Yes it can be done.
The only drawback is that the
counter on the "project page" will also include
the hits for the homepage.
It would require a "hidden" counter on the
homepage that increments the counter for "project."
However, when "project" is opened and displays the hits
it's going to add 1 to the count.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so here goes:
in addition to individual page counters,
www.95isalive.com has a hidden counters on all main pages
"except the home" page that increment a counter file named total.htm.cnt
which is
in the _private folder with the other counter files.
The counter image is not displayed because it is a 1 pixel by 1 pixel gif
named custom.gif that is basically "invisible"
The total count is displayed on
www.95isalive.com/total.htm ( the Statistics page )
