History not logging sites visited



An odd issue, one that I have never encountered before...

My History file is not logging website pages I have visited. Instead, a
series of what appears to be DAT files are showing up. Naturally, when I
click on one of these files, I am greeted with an error message rather than a
webpage I have previously viewed. A sample of the error message is as follows:

"Windows cannot find
dam@http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/support/newsgroups/default.mspx. Make
sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file,
click the Start button, and then click Search."

I have Norton Intenet Security's firewall activated--perhaps this is part of
the problem? I have also read some things about ActiveX taking its toll on
Internet Explorer settings. Regardless, I would really like to have my
History working the way it is supposed to.



Don Varnau



Hi Don--

Thanks for the response. I did download the Free History eraser but to no
avail. I did some more digging and discovered that the Internet history is
being logged in "My Computer" rather than "HistoryIE5." Any suggestions?



Don Varnau said:
If some feature of NIS isn't causing this, the most likely cause is
corruption of the History folder.

Free History Eraser from
http://smartprotector.com/eraser/free-history-eraser.htm will delete the
History folder (and the index.dat file) and a new one will be created when
you restart.
Or the History folder can be deleted manually:

Hope this helps,

"ars1978" wrote in message
An odd issue, one that I have never encountered before...

My History file is not logging website pages I have visited. Instead, a
series of what appears to be DAT files are showing up. Naturally, when I
click on one of these files, I am greeted with an error message rather than a
webpage I have previously viewed. A sample of the error message is as follows:

"Windows cannot find
dam@http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/support/newsgroups/default.mspx. Make
sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file,
click the Start button, and then click Search."

I have Norton Intenet Security's firewall activated--perhaps this is part of
the problem? I have also read some things about ActiveX taking its toll on
Internet Explorer settings. Regardless, I would really like to have my
History working the way it is supposed to.




Hi Don--

Windows XP on a Dell Inspiron 6000.



Don Varnau said:
Which version of Windows?


"ars1978" wrote in message
Hi Don--

Thanks for the response. I did download the Free History eraser but to no
avail. I did some more digging and discovered that the Internet history is
being logged in "My Computer" rather than "HistoryIE5." Any suggestions?



Don Varnau

Check settings of Norton. If NIS is blocking ActiveX, the security settings
at http://mvps.org/winhelp2002/restricted.htm#Setting could be used instead.

Your History folder should be at C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local
Settings\History (The Local Settings folder is hidden by default.) Go to
Control Panel> Folder Options> View> Check "Show hidden files and folders"
to see the Local Settings folder.

Try deleting the History folder manually. Windows will recreate it on

Login as another user with administrator privileges, or from the machine's
default administrator account (from safe mode) and delete the affected
History folder from Windows Explorer.

To startup in Safe Mode...
1. Restart the computer and immediately start hitting the F8 key about once
per second, to make sure that you hit it at the right time. If it doesn't
work the first time, try again. The timing can be tricky.
2. When the Windows Advanced Options menu appears, select Safe Mode.
3. Select Windows XP Operating System.
4. Login as Administrator- enter the password if necessary. There may not be
a password required.

You would not be able to delete this History folder when logged in as
yourself- it's "In use." You should be able to delete it from the
Administrator account.

Hope this helps,

"ars1978" wrote in message

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