History isn't updated anymore



Since last thursday/friday I have a problem: the history in I.E. keeps it's
information, but it doesn't add new info anymore. So from friday and saturday
there is nothing to see when you want to see all websites you've visited...
Anybody any idea??
Note: normally you can see that if you visit a site with small photo's, and
you click on one photo (as it is a link to a profile) then the colour around
this photo changes: blue becomes red/brown; so the next time you come there
you can see which one's you already done. This I.E. also doesn't do
anymore....don't know if it has anything to do with the above problem

Don Varnau

These problems probably indicate a corrupted History folder or index.dat
The usual fix is to delete the History folder and allow Windows to create a
new one.

Easy method #1- pretty reliable, but not 100%:
CCleaner from www.ccleaner.com Check the boxes to clear History and
index.dat files.

Easy method #2:
Free History Eraser from
http://smartprotector.com/eraser/free-history-eraser.htm can usually delete
the History folder (and the index.dat file) and a new one will be created
when you restart.

Or the History folder can be deleted manually.
The procedure [Windows XP]
Login as another user with administrator privileges, or from the machine's
default administrator account (startup in safe mode.) Make sure that you can
see hidden and system files (Folder Options> View) then delete the affected
History folder from Windows Explorer. It will be at [C:\Documents and
Settings\yourusername\Local Settings\History] Restart the computer.

315222 - A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP:

Note: It's generally recommended that 'Days to keep History" be kept below
25-30 days.

The Windows version / IE version may make a difference. If these methods
don't work, please include that information in your reply.


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