Hisense TVs any good?


Feb 23, 2002
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I need to get a replacement TV, so I've been having a look at some of the deals on Amazon, Argos etc... I'm astounded by how much the price has dropped over the past ten years. A 50" 4K HDR TV can be bought for under £300!!!

One name that keeps coming up as good value is Hisense. They seem to be sold by most places (including Costco) and there was a deal on a 50" 4K Hisense TV for £240 delivered. I almost pulled the trigger, but I don't need the TV quite yet, so I may hold off a month or two.

Has anyone here got a Hisense TV and can comment on what they think of it?
They're not bad by all accounts. When I was looking fro a new TV about this time last year there was one HiSense TV that was very well received. Can't remember which one though.

One thing I will say if your serious about HDR try and make sure its 1000 nits. A lot of the cheaper HDR TV's don't go that high and the HDR suffers because of it. Have a bit of a read up on it and you'll soon get the gist of it.

Pick a budget and stick to it though, I found it easy to start looking at fancy OLED's etc that were way more than I wanted to spend! :lol:
Cheers @V_R :). My budget is around £300, so there will be trade-offs somewhere :lol: . HDR is just a bonus, so that would be the first thing I sacrifice - I will check out the nits rating out of interest though. I may pop in to Currys this week and see if they have any there to have a look at.

Which TV did you go for in the end?
In the end I went for the 55" Samsung MU7000, got it for about £750 (still a lot, but a good deal) in John Lewis. Originally I was going for the MU6400 but JL had them side by side and it extra ~£100 was worth it IMO.

The OLED's are in another league though, both in picture and price! I had just had a baby, no way was I spending £1000+ on a TV!

That said, I must confess, I'm not blown away by any HDR content. I find if we're watching a film with the lights off and it goes from dark to super retina burning bright white its actually pretty uncomfortable! 4K is well worth it though, more so than HDR in my opinion.

Find one in your budget with the connections you need first and foremost. That's what I did.
That said, I must confess, I'm not blown away by any HDR content. I find if we're watching a film with the lights off and it goes from dark to super retina burning bright white its actually pretty uncomfortable! 4K is well worth it though, more so than HDR in my opinion.

To expand on this, as I thought about it more after I posted.....

Don't get me wrong HDR is very good, for example, we watched Our Planet on Netflix in 4K HDR and it was stunning.

I just find that sometimes (and I find films to be the worst for this) the transition from dark to light is often very stark and quite often uncomfortable, especially if you watch film in dark or low light conditions - As a comparison think how you feel going from a dark room to bright sunshine.

I also thought sometimes it can look almost unnatural or over processed. Of the content we've watched in 4K HDR by far the best was sport (the World Cup on iPlayer last year was brilliant) and nature documentaries.
Cheers @V_R, I'm off to Currys this weekend to have a look and compare :). Need to help my sister buy a new laptop, so can kill 2 birds with one stone :D.
Ah good idea, do yourself a favour and don't look at the expensive OLED TV's! Before you know it you'll be rethinking that budget you set. :p

They do look stunning with the right content though. That's another thing actually - if you look at one you like the look of make sure you see a 'normal' channel/broadcast and not one of their demo's. Better still take a USB stick with your own content you're familiar with and watch that, will give you a much better idea of what to expect when/if you get it home. ;)
I swear by LG. Their menu system and magic remote just seems leagues ahead of everyone else. I haven't seen any priced quite that competitively though.
I got my mum this 4K HiSense 50" TV
Got it from Argos a couple of months back and it came with a 2 year warranty as standard, that was the kicker as all others were just 12 months warranty..
Done a little digging on AV forums and it got good reception on there so went all in, price was around the £259 mark if I remember rightly, Argos had £100 quid off it at the time on some deal.

Few months down the line and it is great, good sound from the DTS built in and good picture too, haven't chucked a 4k feed into it yet so can't say what that sides like, but full HD pic is great and the EPG is something else I like on these HiSense TV's.

Can also report it shakes hands really nicely with my Samsung Tablet, something Sony 4K Tv's don't like to do..and the Smart feature of the TV has all the usual suspect apps built in and the remote has dedicated Netflix, Youtube and Amazon Prime buttons, also records to a USB stick

For the money Ian I would buy this TV for myself in the event my own 50" TV broke down and I was looking for a replacement
Its bloody good value for money

Standard SD picture watching WWTBAM
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Oh wonderful! Thanks @crazylegs - that's just the sort of TV and price I'd like. If it comes back on offer, I'll be snapping one up right away :D. Glad it performs well, nice to hear a first hand experience.

If you happen to spot that TV on offer again, please do let me know :D.
Oh wonderful! Thanks @crazylegs - that's just the sort of TV and price I'd like. If it comes back on offer, I'll be snapping one up right away :D. Glad it performs well, nice to hear a first hand experience.

If you happen to spot that TV on offer again, please do let me know :D.
No problem Ian
I will lookout for you and if one comes up will shoot you a pm
Amazon are doing an 'End of Summer Sale' from now until the 30th Ian, Keep your eyes out for a TV. :)

Thought this was a good deal, 55" plus a Roku stick to make it a fully smart TV and a Richer sounds 6 year warranty
Cheers @crazylegs, that looks like an absolute steal! I'm going to head in to Richer Sounds in Manchester to see what it looks like :). I had a look on that same site and found this deal too, although it doesn't have the same great warranty:

Cheers @crazylegs, that looks like an absolute steal! I'm going to head in to Richer Sounds in Manchester to see what it looks like :). I had a look on that same site and found this deal too, although it doesn't have the same great warranty:

That is indeed another great deal too!

Let us know how the viewing went Ian
I'm a bit worried about those nits in side tvs. Will you have to get nitty Nora in to get rid of them?
Seriously what on earth are "nits"