hiperlinks to sheet (dinamic or based on a cell valeu)

  • Thread starter Thread starter SpeeD
  • Start date Start date


Hi guys.

I have a "central" sheet that contains hiperlinks to all
other sheets in the worrk book.
The other sheet names mau vary from day to day, so i have
to make my hiperlinks "dinamic" or based in value of the
next cell.

Is this possible???

thanks a lot (once again!!!!)


You can use the Worksheet_FollowHyperlink event. Set up all the hyperlinks
so that the underlying address points to the same cell that holds the
hyperlink. Basically that will cause the hyperlink to do nothing at all.
Then use the event to control what happens when the hyperlink is clicked.
It might look like this

If Target.Range.Column = 1 Then
End If

This says that if the hyperlink is in column A, then activate the sheet
whose name is in column B.