Hijacked Home Page



My Internet Explorer home page stays at "Easy-Search.biz"
Have gone to tools, into the registry, etc. Each time I
do a scan with the Beta it "finds" and deletes Easy-
search.biz. But, redo the scan and the adware reappears!
I've run norton's 2005, Spysweeper, ad-aware,Spybot. I
have reset my home page with the beta and just afterwards
the page is hijacked again.
My guess is the "easy-Search.biz" resides somewhere
hidden and periodoically rests my page. What can be done?

Randy Knobloch

Genghis said:
My Internet Explorer home page stays at "Easy-Search.biz"
Have gone to tools, into the registry, etc. Each time I
do a scan with the Beta it "finds" and deletes Easy-
search.biz. But, redo the scan and the adware reappears!
I've run norton's 2005, Spysweeper, ad-aware,Spybot. I
have reset my home page with the beta and just afterwards
the page is hijacked again.
My guess is the "easy-Search.biz" resides somewhere
hidden and periodoically rests my page. What can be done?

Info on your Spyware Parasite;

Run "HijackThis" as per Ron's recommendation.
FAQ's and download here;

Post your HijackThis log in any of these Forums for expert analysis.

Note that free registration is required at each of the URL's listed above.

HTH & good luck.



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Security AH-VSOP
Security Tools Updates

(Reply to group, as return address
is invalid - that we may all benefit)

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