Highlighting one row in a continuous form?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Nick
  • Start date Start date


How can I highlight one row in a continuous form? I have a checkbox at the
end of the row, and if it is checked I want that row to change colour. If I
do that, every row on the form changes colour - not just the one I wanted to
change. Is there a way to do this?


Hi Nick,

You can do what you want by using the form & subform paradigm and by showing
the form in the subform control in Form View, not Datasheet View. You can
do that by designing the form to be only as tall as the text or other
controls on it.

Hi - Thanks for the reply. The problem is that I want to be able to see more
than one row at a time, but only highlight the rows that the tickbox is

You would have to use ConditionalFormatting available with A2K or
A2K or Higher Only!

New Feb 08,2002. Added support for Datasheet view and SubForms.

A2KConditionalFormatting.zip is a sample MDB demonstrating how to
programmatically setup Conditional Formatting to simulate:

1) Highlighting of the Current Row for a Form in Continuous or Datasheet

2) Highlighting of Alternate Rows for a Form in Continuous or Datasheet

Version 2.7

Added sample demonstrating how to achieve a background
Hover/Highlighting of rows for a form in Continuous view.

Version 2.3

Added sample demonstrating how to achieve pseudo enable/disable of an
unbound control on a form in Continuous View.

Version 1.9

Added sample form to show how to apply conditional formatting to based
on a Boolean(Yes/No) field.

Verrsion 1.8


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.
Using the method I suggested, you can. Be sure to set the default view of
the subform to continuous.