Highlighted Cell group provides a Count instead of a Sum in bottom right

  • Thread starter Thread starter MACRE0
  • Start date Start date


Sometimes when I download a file into excel it doesn't allow me to ad
the group. Additionally, when highlighting the group when it i
supposed to give a SUM in the bottom right (off the worksheet), i
shows a count. I've verified the cells are formatted as numbers. I
for instance I overwrite the existing amount with the same number i
becomes addable. I would like to be able to toggle between these tw
abilities. Thanks.

the numbers are probably stroed as 'Text'. Try the following:
- select an empty cell and copy this cell
- select your range of importet numbers
- goto 'Edit - Paste Special' and choose 'Add'
No, as I've already stated, these are formated as numbers. Additionall
if cells A1 and A2 were formated as text but contained the character
"1" and "2" respectively they would still be added when highlighte
instead of counted.

Wonder if there is a way to show that dispite my post being replied to
that my question was not answered without having to repost anew
Your question was answered.

Once a "number" is entered as text, changing the number format doesn't
convert it to a number - it stays text.

Did you try the suggested solution?

Did you really try entering "1" and "2" in A1:A2 and getting a Sum in
the status bar? For me, I get SUM=0
You're partially correct.

While I did try entering the characters 1 and 2 I entered them in a ne
spreadsheet formatted as general, which I then changed to text. Tha
one adds. If I first make it text and then highlight it doesn't but
was still able to take those two cell and paste special add them an
have it become numbers. I am not able to do that with some of th
other spreadsheets that are created. Secondly the aspect of togglin
between these two views was not answered. Thanks for your added inpu
I'll give it a try David when I have more time, but from what I briefl
saw in your link has much to do with removing spaces - something I di
not know was at issue here. I will dig deeper of course. Thank