Highlight Text In A Textbox

  • Thread starter Thread starter vqthomf
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Hi I was wondering if someone can help I am trying to highlight text in a
textbox if the user miss scan an item into a textbox, I am using the code
below but I can't get it to work any help would much apprecated.

Private Sub txtVin_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal
Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode = 13 Then
If Len(txtVin.Value) = 17 Then
Call Vinchk
MsgBox "Sorry there are not enough character,Please re-scan the
With txtVin
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text) 'I have also tried .TextLength
End With
End If
End If
Call bntEnabled
End Sub
What does the "Call bntEnabled" statement do? I'm guessing that it is
probably setting focus to another control. You can overcome this problem by
changing the TextBox's HideSelection property to False; then it will still
show the selected text even if some other control has focus.
Try with the Exit event..

Private Sub txtVin_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
If Len(txtVin.Value) = 17 Then
'Call Vinchk
With txtVin
.SelStart = 0
.SelLength = Len(.Text)
End With
MsgBox "Sorry there are not enough character,Please re-scan the Vin."
Cancel = True
End If
'Call bntEnabled
End Sub

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Thank that worked, I do one other problem when the item is scanned I
sometimes get $/ is there away to check each character to do the same as