I want to highlight the 'active' row in a subform.
Frustrating thing is that I did this about a year ago and can't seem to
figure where I'm going wrong!
I have the conditional formatting as prepared by Stephan Lebans.
I've pretty much taken the modules and pasted them onto my db.
I'm looking at highlighting in datasheet view so have these modules:
I have added the txtbackground field to the subform and have changed the
reference of 'txtcustomerid' to my forms reference which is 'QuoteID'.
When opening the form I get this message:
Compile Error
Method or data mamber not found
Cursor is at CF.BGTextBox = Me.txtbackground
Any help appreciated.
I want to highlight the 'active' row in a subform.
Frustrating thing is that I did this about a year ago and can't seem to
figure where I'm going wrong!
I have the conditional formatting as prepared by Stephan Lebans.
I've pretty much taken the modules and pasted them onto my db.
I'm looking at highlighting in datasheet view so have these modules:
I have added the txtbackground field to the subform and have changed the
reference of 'txtcustomerid' to my forms reference which is 'QuoteID'.
When opening the form I get this message:
Compile Error
Method or data mamber not found
Cursor is at CF.BGTextBox = Me.txtbackground
Any help appreciated.