I need to update my department's building and room # spreadsheet to
match another department's building and room # spreadsheet. The other
department's data is considered the correct one. I've merged the data
from both spreadsheets into one containing four columns. I would like
compare my data in columns 1 & 2 (shown below) to the correct data in
columns 3 & 4 and highlight cells in columns 1 & 2 that don't match
any of the cells in columns 3 & 4. Using the example below, two sets
of cells should be highlighted in columns 1 & 2 because they don't
appear in columns 3 & 4. Those cells are Building # 1 Room # 20 and
Building # 2 Room # 50.
|-----old data-----------------| |-------good
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Building # Room # Building # Room #
1 20 1 21
1 30 1
2 10 2 10
2 50 2 60
Does anyone know how I can do this?
I need to update my department's building and room # spreadsheet to
match another department's building and room # spreadsheet. The other
department's data is considered the correct one. I've merged the data
from both spreadsheets into one containing four columns. I would like
compare my data in columns 1 & 2 (shown below) to the correct data in
columns 3 & 4 and highlight cells in columns 1 & 2 that don't match
any of the cells in columns 3 & 4. Using the example below, two sets
of cells should be highlighted in columns 1 & 2 because they don't
appear in columns 3 & 4. Those cells are Building # 1 Room # 20 and
Building # 2 Room # 50.
|-----old data-----------------| |-------good
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Building # Room # Building # Room #
1 20 1 21
1 30 1
2 10 2 10
2 50 2 60
Does anyone know how I can do this?