Hi im pretty new to this forum, tho dabbled in a bit of excel before.
Basically i have the following
FName SName Install Date
aaa bbb 12/02/06
abb bcc 12/02/06
acc bdd 14/02/06
add bee 15/02/06
aee bff 15/02/06
aff bgg 18/02/06
agg bzz 12/02/06
What i wanted todo was, if todays date was 12/02/06 then on another
sheet the the first and last name would be listed.
I know this could probably be quite easliy done with a macro , but
could this be automated or done with a count feature?
Basically i have the following
FName SName Install Date
aaa bbb 12/02/06
abb bcc 12/02/06
acc bdd 14/02/06
add bee 15/02/06
aee bff 15/02/06
aff bgg 18/02/06
agg bzz 12/02/06
What i wanted todo was, if todays date was 12/02/06 then on another
sheet the the first and last name would be listed.
I know this could probably be quite easliy done with a macro , but
could this be automated or done with a count feature?