MSComm is limited to 115200 bps, regardless of its documentation. Does your
hardware support speeds higher than 115200 bps? Most hardware does not.
There are only a few manufacturers of boards that provide higher speed
serial ports (Sealevel, Quatech, and Pacific Commware come to mind, but I'm
sure that there may be others).
However, if you do have hardware that supports higher speeds, you can use
P/Invoke (Platform Invoke) to call the Windows serial communications APIs to
open and use such a device. I have example code for this in my book, and
there are quite a number of others available online.
Richard Grier (Microsoft Visual Basic MVP)
www.hardandsoftware.net for contact information.
Author of Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications, 3rd
Edition ISBN 1-890422-27-4 (391 pages) published February 2002.