Boris Buchanan
The Platform SDK TransmitPackets function is said have better performance
than similar WinSock2 functions. TransmitPackets can be used with
connectionless sockets, e.g. UDP, provided a destination has been
established via connect. However TransmitPackets is said to be much better
tuned to WinServer 200X than WinXP.
I'd like to construct an XPe system that is highly efficient at transmitting
UDP packets. Is there a way to capture the higher performance
characteristic of the server? If not, am I still better off using
TransmitPackets as opposed to sendto?
than similar WinSock2 functions. TransmitPackets can be used with
connectionless sockets, e.g. UDP, provided a destination has been
established via connect. However TransmitPackets is said to be much better
tuned to WinServer 200X than WinXP.
I'd like to construct an XPe system that is highly efficient at transmitting
UDP packets. Is there a way to capture the higher performance
characteristic of the server? If not, am I still better off using
TransmitPackets as opposed to sendto?