High cost of rocket fuel - Hezbollah going bankrupt!

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There is a much higher cost. There are 9 days before fuel runs out in the
American University Hospital in Beirut. I don't see Hezbullah who locks
their women and children into buildings so that they can make photo-ops on
CNN doing a helluva lot about this.

In tough times, docs can try to use sub medications in compromized countries
or after the moronic Bush medicare plan they are doing it in the creme de la
crem us and it's resulting in furthering US substandard medical care. That
the Senate Majority leader Bill Frist is a Vanderbilt Thoracic Surgeon
highlights this Administrations anti-science medical stupidity even more.

At Beirut this is the situation Hezbollah has chosen to set up, and for the
last 72 hours, weaponry from Iran has been rushed into Damascus, Syria's
airport. Condi and Georgie had a heated difference of opinion this morning
over whether to have direct talks with Syria and Iran. That fact
intensifies the backdrop of this article:

August 9, 2006
As Lebanon’s Fuel Runs Out, Fears of a Doomsday Moment
BEIRUT, Lebanon, Aug. 8 — Dr. Nadim Cortas saw the destruction wrought by
Lebanon’s 15-year civil war, and the shortages of medical supplies that went
with it.

But, he says, he never thought he would face a situation like this: the
respirators and critical medical equipment in his hospital could soon come
to a halt.

“This is the doomsday scenario,” said Dr. Cortas, dean of the faculty of
medicine at the American University of Beirut and vice president for medical
affairs. “We have about 10 days of power left,” he said.

Almost one month into the siege of Lebanon, with a land, sea and air
blockade by Israel choking off the country, fuel reserves have all but dried

Two ships that were to offload more than 30,000 tons each of diesel fuel and
fuel oil to crank the country’s power plants and generators have languished
in Cyprus, unable or unwilling to enter Lebanese waters.

A large stockpile of fuel oil at the Jiyeh power plant, just south of
Beirut, was lost when Israeli warplanes bombed it on the second day of the
war, sending oil seeping into the Mediterranean Sea or catching fire,
sending a thick plume over Beirut.

Even when authorities have been able to scrounge up diesel fuel to power
generators, trucks have not been able to deliver it to hospitals in the
south of the country because of bombed out roadways and continuing air

The most pessimistic estimates have the country running out of fuel for its
power plants in a week; the most optimistic give Lebanon less than a month
before the blackout.

“We’re counting down the days,” said Nabil al-Asr, a government adviser who
has been focused on fuel issues for the High Relief Council, a governmental
board. “There are going to be problems everywhere from hospitals to water
pumping. The pain will go all around.”

The blockade has affected every part of Lebanon’s economy. Lines at gas
stations now stretch for blocks in Beirut, making filling up a half-day
affair. Gasoline sold on the black market in Beirut costs at least twice as
much as usual; in the south it can reach $100 per gallon.

Electricity is being rationed, with the power out almost 12 hours a day in
some places. Lebanon’s utility company has dropped generating output to a
quarter of its capacity just to make supplies last, Mr. Asr said. But that
has only increased demand for diesel to fuel private generators.

The menus at most restaurants have shrunk, too, as food supplies have begun
dwindling. Even diet cola is in short supply.

Newspapers have begun to run out of newsprint, forcing some to reduce page
counts and make plans to stop printing altogether. Even for those that can
print full editions, sales have dropped because of the difficulty of
distributing them.

Nowhere have the shortages been more critical, though, than in Lebanon’s
hospitals, many of which have been forced to close departments or turn away
all but the most critical cases.

Kidney dialysis supplies have been running out, as have stocks of heart
medications and nuclear medicine for diagnostic tests, Dr. Cortas said.

The potential loss of electrical power — both from the national utility,
Électricité du Liban, and from in-house generators — poses the most
catastrophic problem, he and others said.

“A hospital won’t stop working because it’s missing one or two medications —
you simply find substitutes,” said Sleiman Haroun, head of Lebanon’s
association of hospital owners, which has scrambled to find fuel and keep
supply lines running. “But a hospital will grind to a halt if it’s out of

The American University Hospital, the region’s pre-eminent medical research
and treatment center, never closed its doors during the civil war or during
numerous Israeli bombardments that followed. But even here, doctors and
personnel have begun to fear a possible shutdown.

“We never thought we could get to ground zero in such a short time,” said
George Tomey, who became acting president of the university when the school’s
American and European staff evacuated at the beginning of the war. “I have
been here for 40 years and this is the worst it has ever been.”

By Monday, 200 of the hospital’s 325 beds were occupied. There were between
8 and 12 patients in intensive care, 22 babies in critical condition in the
neonatal ward and at least 37 casualties from the bombings in the south.

It could take up to 20 tons of diesel fuel a day to keep the hospital
running if the main utility shuts down, says Dr. Haroun, the hospital
association official. Even smaller hospitals need hundreds of gallons of
diesel per day to stay powered, quantities that are becoming harder find.

“Hospitals typically store 20 day’s worth of fuel — now many have only two
or three days,” Dr. Haroun said. “Sure you can eventually find one or two
days’ worth. But then what?”

In Beirut, hospital administrators have agreed to funnel utility power to
Beirut’s four largest hospitals and leave smaller hospitals powered by
generators, said Dr. Cortas, the medical school dean.

That decision ensures diesel supplies remain with those hospitals, buying
perhaps several more days. More drastic plans include gathering critical
patients at one hospital that will get priority for diesel.

American University Hospital officials have also begun to lobby the United
States to pressure Israel to allow oil tankers to sail into Beirut. The
ships’ captains have refused to enter Lebanese waters without Israeli and
United Nations guarantees. So far, however, the Israelis have not granted
the ships safe passage, Mr. Asr said.

Very OT. But I couldn't resist!

The high cost of showering Israel with Hezbollah rockets:


Israel isn't concerned at all about the cost of its military. It's paid for
by the US taxpayer.

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Actually, much of Israel's army is paid for by Israel. This is a great
return on investments for the US. It's the only ally they have in the
middle east that is significant. The SUVS not only fund terrorists, they
pay the Saudi's handily and other oil autocracys for limited use of their
air space and air bases Israel's technology cutting edge particularly in
computers has nothing to do with the US. Israel's OBGYN cutting edge
advanceds don't either. And I could go on and on.


Israel is also the country doing the actual fighting of real terrorists
right now that the US has never done. Afghanistan and Iraq are in the
toilet, and Iraq is responsible for the Shiite ascendancy that has Iran
landing missles on the Damascus runway to be transported through underground
tunnels to Hezbollah in Lebanon while they lock up civilians so that their
deaths can be shown by the Barbies and Kens on CNN who today are the Airport

Palestine had years of opportunity to rise from squalid ghettos where the
people are largely illiterate. Arrafat and his homies, as in every single
Arab country corruptly kept all the money and resources and blew a great
opportunity to educate these people. Every Arab country is either a
dictatorship, or a kingdom that is another antiquated name for dictatorship,
or a puppet government like Lebanon where Syria assasinates leaders it
doesn't like.

Will the reading hurt your eyes or your head?

Hezbollah Air Force


Right click plane>Click Play.

Tell your Hezbullah terrorist friends:

1) They stepped in it when they kidnapped the soldiers.
2) They have ignored every UN Resolution on the planet.
3) Garbage day is there--it's talking a while to collect and incinnerate the
garbage, but you won't be worrying about it soon.
4) Israel has pulled out of every territory.
5) This is a manifestation of a Shia Ascendancy engineered in Tehran.
5) The Hezbullah and Hamass chickenshits have been launching missles and
sending suicide bombers into Israel for years. Israel never sends suicide
bombers into Arab territories.
6) You have only one real democracy in Middle East which is Israel. Egypt,
Saudi Arabia, and Jordan are totalitarian kindoms or dictatorships. They
are Suni predominantly and Murbarak is Kurd. The other Arab countries are
totalitarian cleric controled by cleric Ismlamic and militant and the
onpoint word is militant fundamentalists.
7) The US promoted the Shia ascendancy that pushed Iran to give the "Go" to
Hezbullah by creating the fiasco in Iraq. You can't unring that
bell--hemorrhaging treasure and bodies in coffins will be the name of the
game in the US for the rest of your life. The Bush Doctrine is to as the NY
Times said yesterday on the editorial page, continue the status quo for 29
months and dump the shitpile in the next Administration's lap.
8) The US Congress could have remedied much of this but they are totally
8) If you're a MSFT or Washington State fan, Senator Maria Cantwell has
supported the Iraq war from the start and she like Lieberman won't recant.
9) Leiberman's going to be fired by tomorroe evening in Ct.
10) An overlooked movement, Kurdish Independance in Iraq and throughout the
Middle East is going to have large impact on US foreign policy and their
NATO ally the Turks.

I suggest you look in the mirror and say slowly, toasting yourself "I can't
do squat about this situation and I'm proud I can't, but I'm glad Israel has
the guts to do it for me"

I also suggest you elevate your vast learning curve by:

Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (Hardcover)
by Thomas E. Ricks

The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future
by Vali Nasr


The One Percent Doctrine (Hardcover)
by Ron Suskind

Enjoy CNN's and MSNBC's coverage of the cleanup and incineration of your
Hezbullah and Hamass in Gaza terrorist hommies. Remeber this

One Michael Ware of Time Magazine on CNN is worth a thousand Wolf Blitzers,
ten thousand Larry Kings, and one million of the barbie doll lady "anchors"
and 100 of Gloria Vanderbilts little boy, Anderson Cooper.

Chad Harris said:
Actually, much of Israel's army is paid for by Israel. This is a great return on investments
for the US. It's the only ally they have in the middle east that is significant. The SUVS
not only fund terrorists, they pay the Saudi's handily and other oil autocracys for limited
use of their air space and air bases Israel's technology cutting edge particularly in
computers has nothing to do with the US. Israel's OBGYN cutting edge advanceds don't either.
And I could go on and on.

The US imports more oil from Canada and Mexico than
Saudi Arabia or any other Middle Eastern country.

About 1.4 million barrels a day from Saudi Arabia. They
produce over 10 million barrels a day. Who imports the rest?
Places like Japan that have *no* natural resources. China
and India are becoming heavy consumers of oil, especially

It's hard to believe that the US is the third largest
oil producing country in the world- just one big problem-
we also consume more than twice what we produce.
Don't get me wrong, Chad- I believe the US is so addicted
to oil that it's pathetic. I wish ethanol had a bigger push-
that may very well come from Wal-Mart.

Why Wal-Mart wants to sell ethanol
How to Beat the High Cost of Gasoline. Forever!

Where does Israel get its oil/petroleum products from?
I believe they have to import about 99% of their needs.
They use to get it from Iran many moons ago and then Iraq.
Egypt and Russia now? Of course, the possible reopening
of an old pipeline from Mosul to Haifa would be quite
convenient for Israel. Hmm....

Where Does Israel Get Oil?
If you're selling, they're buying.

In the pipeline: More regime change


An Excel sheet showing where companies import petroleum products from.
Oh, and just in case Israel gets in a pinch- the US will make
sure they get oil- come hell or high water. This is still current
policy. I'm not saying we shouldn't help Israel- we should, but
I amazed at that amount of anti-US venom you spew, when it
is the United States that provides cover for Israel. If the US
today was to announce we no longer will come to aid Israel
if needed- what do you think would be the outcome? Honestly,
Chad. Do you live in some dream world? It is exactly- as stated
by numerous terrorists organizations- because of our friendship
with Israel that is the biggest problem with so many Muslims and
has primarily made Americans targets. In 1995, I was in Egypt
for two months. I heard that statement repeated over and over and
over. I had the pleasure of staying with a family in Fayoum.

I believe our alliance with Israel is important, and yes the US
had made many mistakes- but, you make it sound as if all the
problems in the Middle East begin and end with the US. That's
just ignorant, Chad. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire who
carved up the Middle East or Near East as it use to be called?
Europe did. Who created the contorted country of Iraq? Britain.
Who abandoned the country of Iraq to fortify its India conquest?
Britain. If you really think about it, Chad- many places in the world
that are experiencing upheavals and violence, are places that were
once under some European control/domination. Like many parts
of Africa. Like what happened in Vietnam when the French lost
control. Like the brutality France used on Algeria. Do you know
anything about the Paris Massacre of 1961? Do you have any
idea the lengths France went to in order to try and put down the
Algerian independence? Do you know anything about the
French Indochina War? That directly led to the US mistake
of Vietnam.

I am well aware of the places the US has had bloodied hands-
you seem to act as if the US is alone in such deeds. You also
seem very ignorant of history.

The come hell or high water oil agreement between the US and Israel
is below. Yes, it still is in effect.

http://www.mfa.gov.il/mfa/peace pro...andum of agreement between the governments of

Memorandum of Agreement between the Governments of the United States of America and Israel -
March 26, 1979

The oil supply arrangement of September 1, 1975, between the Governments of the United States
and Israel, annexed hereto, remains in effect. A memorandum of agreement shall be agreed upon
and concluded to provide an oil supply arrangement for a total of 15 years, including the 5
years provided in the September 1, 1975 arrangement.
The memorandum of agreement, including the commencement of this arrangement and pricing
provisions, will be mutually agreed upon by the parties within sixty days following the entry
into force of the Treaty of Peace between Egypt and Israel.

It is the intention of the parties that prices paid by Israel for oil provided by the United
States hereunder shall be comparable to world market prices current at the time of transfer,
and that in any event the United States will be reimbursed by Israel for the costs incurred by
the United States in providing oil to Israel hereunder.

Experts provided for in the September 1, 1975 arrangement will meet on request to discuss
matters arising under this relationship.

The United States administration undertakes to seek promptly additional statutory authorization
that may be necessary for full implementation of this arrangement.

M. Dayan
For the Government of Israel

Cyrus R. Vance
For the Government of the United States

Annex to the Memorandum of Agreement concerning 0il


Israel will make its own independent arrangements for oil supply to meet its requirements
through normal procedures. In the event Israel is unable to secure its needs in this way, the
United States Government, upon notification of this fact by the Government of Israel, will act
as follows for five years, at the end of which period either side can terminate this
arrangement on one-year's notice.

(a) If the oil Israel needs to meet all its normal requirements for domestic consumption is
unavailable for purchase in circumstances where no quantitative restrictions exist on the
ability of the United States to procure oil to meet its normal requirements, the United States
Government will promptly make oil available for purchase by Israel to meet all of the
aforementioned normal requirements of Israel. If Israel is unable to secure the necessary means
to transport such oil to Israel, the United States Government will make every effort to help
Israel secure the necessary means of transport.

(b) If the oil Israel needs to meet all of its normal requirements for domestic consumption is
unavailable for purchase in circumstances where quantitative restrictions through embargo or
otherwise also prevent the United States from procuring oil to meet its normal requirements,
the United States Government will promptly make oil available for purchase by Israel in
accordance with the International Energy Agency conservation and allocation formula, as applied
by the United States Government, in order to meet Israel's essential requirements. If Israel is
unable to secure the necessary means to transport such oil to Israel, the United States
Government will make every effort to help Israel secure the necessary means of transport.

Israeli and United States experts will meet annually or more frequently at the request of
either party, to review Israel's continuing oil requirement.
I’ve stayed away from all of the US bashing posts because I’ve been hearing
the same things for nearly 40 years. YOUR POSTING WAS EXCELLENT AND FACTUAL.
The Near East has had religious wars for well over 2000 years, mostly
border wars until after WW1 when due to the forced borders the wars became
internal and external. The oil fields were developed and built by American
and British companies before being given to the respective countries, but
are still maintained by American and British companies. When I was in school
all the history books listed western Asia as French Indo-China until 1963
when the USA got the message “Welcome to Viet Nam” by bailing out the French
with military forces. The USA isn’t perfect and never has been, but it’s
like every other country where there are many beautiful places, run down
places, hard working people, people looking for hand outs, rich people, poor
people, people near the middle, big companies, small companies and a lot of
jealousy. If the USA is so bad why are so many people coming to the USA
legally or illegally. I live by the philosophy that you don’t have to love
my country but you don’t have to live here either. The complaints about not
being able to change our government is the biggest joke of all when voter
turnout is less than 40% of the registered voters, usually around 20%, but
there are those that indicate that we don’t have a choice.
Great discussion. It's really nice to see that some people really understand
what is going on in the world. So many people can't see beyond the end of
their nose and have a totally twisted view of things. And no, I am not
Dennis, I got on Chad once, awhile back, about posting his
political opinions here- he always seems to work in at least
a line or two of good ol' American bashing in many of his posts.

I shouldn't have engaged him this time. This is a not a vomiting
political venom spewing newsgroup. I have invited him to share
his opinions in another newsgroup- he has not shown. It is hard
sometimes to ignore fools. But who is the bigger fool? The fool
or the fool who follows the fool? I will try not to follow his lead any

Chad seems very intelligent and offers some very good
technical help. He has useful knowledge about Microsoft
and addresses many of the same concerns I have. I will
leave it at that- as should he. I'm sure he will want to reply
at least once to my previous post- so be it. I am done with
this discussion.

I agree with the points you made, Dennis.

Take care,

I believe that the US and its people are becoming exponentially the ME
generation and exponentially more hypocritical than ever. I believe there
is much less concern in my country for anyone but "ME." And in that vein, I
see the driving of SUVs as one of the most dangerous symptoms of it.

SUV alone (no other car accidents) have been stuided by the physician that
headed DOT safety in a way it was never before studied by the usually stupid
DOT (the same agency who lied about how it screwed up 911--all the hidden
tapes will come out and much of them still redacted are available). The
planes could have been prevented from reaching WTC and Homeland Security
actually was three feet from many of the hijackers on the way to the

No serious hearings have been held by Congress on 911 or on Iraq.

Back to SUVs:

BTW I know the oil use stats. They are all over the NY Times but we are
still funding terrorism in a huge way in the Middle East by being dependent
on their oil. People are stubbornly not going to change rapidly because of
safety or oil dependance. They will change because SUVs morph from the
little Jordash-Jeans momentum Polo Pony on the chest shirt that I see so
often at Technet and MSDN meetings. They will eventually reduce and already
are because they are considered not de riguer "like kuelll."

1) If you are in an SUV and have an accident in your UV only, you have a 16%
greater chance of death or a C2 fracture that will paralyze.

2) 1000 people die in the US every year due to the height of SUVS. The
American people's Congressional response (you know the paradigm and the
dynamic Congress are the whores; lobbyists are the pimps and the Auto and
oil companies are the johns):

The fronts are mandated to be lowered after 2009 when they are manufactured.
None ofthat applies to lowering the big ass dangerous trucks on the road
now. That means that the US Congress's attitude towards those SUV deaths
per year is an enlgithened "screw it so what duh"

The US hasn't updated refineries since the 1950's and 1970's actually.

I think Tom Friedman's articles in the NY Times have the oil consumption
situation dead on.

Friday June 2, 2006

GM keeps the gas flowing and U.S. soldiers in danger
By Thomas L. Friedman

Is there a company more dangerous to America's future than General
Motors? Surely, the sooner this company gets taken over by Toyota, the
better off our country will be.
Why? Like a crack dealer looking to keep his addicts on a tight leash,
GM announced its "fuel price protection program" on May 23. If you live in
Florida or California and buy certain GM vehicles by July 5, the company
will guarantee you gasoline at a cap price of $1.99 a gallon for one year —
with no limit on mileage. Guzzle away.
As the Associated Press explained the program, each month for one
year, GM will give customers who buy these cars "a credit on a prepaid card
based on their estimated fuel usage. Fuel usage will be calculated by the
miles they drive, as recorded by OnStar, and the vehicle's fuel economy
rating. GM will credit drivers the difference between the average price per
gallon in their state and the $1.99 cap." Consumers won't get any credits if
gas prices fall below $1.99.
"This program gives consumers an opportunity to experience the highly
fuel-efficient vehicles GM has to offer in the midsize segment," Dave
Borchelt, GM's southeast general manager, said in the company's official
statement. Oh, really?
Eligible vehicles in California include the 2006 and 2007 Chevrolet
Tahoe and Suburban (half-ton models only), Impala and Monte Carlo sedans,
GMC Yukon and Yukon XL SUVs (half-ton models only), Hummer H2 and H3 SUVs,
the Cadillac SRX SUV, and the Pontiac Grand Prix and Buick Lucerne sedans.
Eligible vehicles in Florida include the 2006 and 2007 Chevrolet Impala and
Monte Carlo, Pontiac Grand Prix and Buick LaCrosse.
Let's see, the 6,400-pound Hummer H2 averages around nine miles per
gallon. It really is great that GM is giving more Americans the opportunity
to experience nine-miles-per-gallon driving. And the hulking Chevy Suburban
gets around 15 miles per gallon. It will be wonderful if more Americans can
experience that, too — with GM-subsidized gas.
Our military is in a war on terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan with an
enemy who is fueled by our gasoline purchases. So we are financing both
sides in the war on terror. And what are we doing about that? Not only is GM
subsidizing its gas-guzzlers, but not a single member of Congress, liberal
or conservative, will stand up and demand what most of them know: that we
must have some kind of gasoline tax to compel Americans to buy more
fuel-efficient vehicles and to compel Detroit to make them.
Where are the presidential aspirants on this issue? I have yet to hear
John McCain, Mitt Romney, George Allen, Al Gore or Hillary Clinton support
at least a $3.50 floor price for gasoline, so that it will never fall below
that level and the alternatives can really flower and spread.
But if you go to GM's Web site, you will see an ad with a young
African-American boy saluting an American flag, above the following offer
for U.S. military personnel: "In appreciation of your commitment to our
country, GM extends a $500 exclusive offer to active duty military and
reserves when you purchase or lease select 2005, 2006 or 2007 GM cars,
trucks and SUVs — just show your military ID!"
That's really touching. First GM offers a gasoline subsidy so more
Americans can get hooked on nine-mile-per-gallon Hummers, and then it offers
a discount to the soldiers who have to protect the oil lines to keep GM's
gas guzzlers guzzling. Here's a rule of thumb: The more Hummers we have on
the road in America, the more military Humvees we will need in the Middle
You want to do something patriotic, GM, Ford and Daimler-Chrysler? Why
don't you stop using your diminishing pools of cash to buy votes so Congress
will never impose improved mileage standards? That kind of strategy is why
Toyota today is worth $198.9 billion and GM $15.8 billion. GM is worth just
slightly more than Harley-Davidson, the motorcycle company ($13.6 billion).
President Bush remarked the other day how agonizingly tough it is for
a president to send young Americans to war. Yet, he's ready to do that, but
he's not ready to look Detroit or Congress in the eye and demand that we put
in place the fuel-efficiency legislation that will weaken the forces of
theocracy and autocracy that are killing our soldiers in Iraq and
Afghanistan — because it might cost Republicans votes or campaign
This whole thing is a travesty. We can't keep asking young Americans
to make the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq and Afghanistan if we as a society
are not ready to make even the most minimal sacrifice to help them.


New York Times News Service

Thomas Friedman: G.M. - Again...Subsidizing Gas=Guzzling Hummers
by jo swift at 07:19PM (CEST) on June 14, 2006 | Permanent Link | Cosmos
Every American and Every American

Company Must Reduce Gas Consumption
As long as G.M. is giving away $1.99 gasoline for its gas guzzlers, I will
be a harsh critic.

On May 31 I wrote a column accusing General Motors of acting irresponsibly
by offering unlimited gasoline at $1.99 a gallon for one year to anyone who
buys certain of its midsize sedans, big S.U.V.'s or gas-guzzling Hummers in
California or Florida.

At a time when we are at war in the Middle East, with an enemy who is
indirectly financed by our energy purchases, it seems to me that every
American, and every American company, has an obligation to reduce oil

No one should be making a huge gas-guzzling Hummer, and no one should be
driving one, and no one - certainly not G.M. - should be subsidizing people
to drive them.

After the May 31 column appeared, G.M.'s vice president for global
communications, Steven J. Harris, and his colleagues denounced my argument
in a formal statement and on G.M.'s corporate blog. This is an important
issue, so let me respond to their response.

To begin with, I would much prefer to see G.M. thriving and growing American
jobs - not selling itself off, limb by limb. But as long as G.M. is giving
away $1.99 gasoline for its gas guzzlers, I will be a harsh critic.

Pardon me if - at a time when China is imposing higher mileage standards
than America - I don't want to join the many congressmen and senators in
drinking G.M.'s Kool-Aid and not demanding that it become the most
fuel-efficient automaker in the world.

If more people in Washington insisted that G.M. focus on building cars that
could compete in a world of $3.99 gasoline, rather than creating an
artificial universe of $1.99 gasoline, G.M. would not be worrying about
bankruptcy today.

G.M. says that the cars chosen for its $1.99 gas giveaway were chosen
because of "their outstanding fuel economy and great consumer appeal."

It also says that G.M. makes more cars that get an E.P.A.-estimated 30 miles
per gallon on the highway than any other company.

Fact: G.M. also sells more cars that get 9 to 11 m.p.g. - the Hummer - than
any other company.

And even though G.M. justified the $1.99 program as giving consumers a
chance to drive some of its most fuel-efficient cars, it did not include its
best-selling, most fuel-efficient model, the Chevy Aveo (35 m.p.g. highway),
in the program, but did include seven gas-guzzling trucks.

G.M. still does not have a hybrid sedan on the market (one is due this
summer) - nine years after Toyota introduced the 45-m.p.g. Prius hybrid,
which G.M. scoffed at at the time.

Stephanie Salter, a columnist writing in the Terre Haute Tribune-Star, did a
spoof about G.M.'s $1.99 gas giveaway by imagining what other
less-than-healthy consumer companies might now do:

"Today R.J. Reynolds Corp. announced a new 'smoke more/pay less' instant
rebate program for most of its cigarette brands. Time-dated coupons will be
included in every pack of RJR cigarettes.

"Tobacco consumers who collect 10 same-brand coupons in five days can redeem
them for a pack costing $1. The only brands not covered by the coupon
program are the company's cigarettes with very low tar and nicotine

Next, G.M.'s Harris asked: "How is offering a gas card that may be worth
$1,000 any different or more sinister than the $2,000 cash rebate that
Toyota's offering right now nationwide on its full-size S.U.V., the

Fact: Reading that question you'd think that G.M. was giving away cheap gas
instead of big S.U.V. rebates.

The truth: We called G.M. dealers in California who said that under the new
program they were authorized to offer $5,000 discounts on the 2006 Suburban
and Tahoe S.U.V.'s - which are like the Sequoia - in addition to G.M.'s
unlimited $1.99 gas for a year. I guess Mr. Harris just forgot that.

Yes, Toyota makes trucks and S.U.V.'s, just like G.M. I am not against
either. Some people need them, others enjoy them. But I don't think we
should be subsidizing gasoline so people who don't need them will buy them
or buy the most gas-guzzling versions. G.M. says its full-size S.U.V.'s get
better mileage than Toyota's.

All I know is that Consumer Reports rates all size S.U.V.'s for fuel
efficiency, reliability and performance. Toyota and Honda S.U.V.'s are its
top picks in every size category.

Thomas Friedman/NYT via Ed Strong

Great discussion. It's really nice to see that some people really understand
what is going on in the world. So many people can't see beyond the end of
their nose and have a totally twisted view of things. And no, I am not

You have to be Jewish to use Vista now?

Read it.

Extreme Oil

"I am well aware of the places the US has had bloodied hands-you seem to act
as if the US is alone in such deeds. You also
seem very ignorant of history."

Hardly the case. The bloodied hands start right here in the US. Social
economic lower classes are disproportionately being blown up in Iraq.
Almost no Congress sons and daughters (I know the ones who have) are in
Iraq. I know tons of Republican white affluents and many of them have no
intention of their kids going into the Armed services.

Bloodied? Correct me if I'm wrong. Bill Frist has crafted the most
dangerous medical medicare policies in US History. Thousands of elderly
can't get basic meciation now for a triad of common diseases. That's blood
Michael mah boy. Frist used to be a Vanderbilt thoracic surgeon from a mega
rich family in Nashville who owned hospitals in a company that paid millions
to settle fraud indictments. $745 million is even more than Bill Frist pays
for valet parking in Georgetown in one week.


This was a bill written by insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies.

Bloodied? Try the way embryonicstem cell research was handled. Frist
opposed it until he knew Bush would veto it and there weren't the votes to
override the veto. There will be next time believe me.

I want to hear you justify throwing 460,000 embryos in the garbage to keep
them from being used for embryonic stems and I want to hear you justify
adult stem cell potential.

Do you embrace the same medical stupidity of the Religious Right American
Congress who voted against embryonic stems to prevent viable cures for
spinal cord injuries, juvenile subtypes of diabetes, lymphomas, leukemias,
and a number of other cancer cell types?

That's real blood and death Michael.

You have an emergency in your life. You need to read immediately.

Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (Hardcover)
by Thomas E. Ricks

The Shia Revival: How Conflicts within Islam Will Shape the Future
by Vali Nasr


The One Percent Doctrine (Hardcover)
by Ron Suskind

Words like stupid don't make a compelling cogent argument for you Michael. I
don't live in a dream world. I live in the one where you are wiretapped,
phone tapped, and you have lost a good deal of freedom. If you want to go
on a plane to visit Aunt Martha, you have no clue whether you will be denied
boarding a plane tomorrow despite you flew today because of some stupidity
on a No Fly list where you have no ability to pre-empt the mistake. I had
the same level of world history books and the same ability to hit the web
for refreshing world history as you Michael.

" I had the pleasure of staying with a family in Fayoum."[who live under the
Totalitarian Rule of Mabarak. I know a lot of people who have been in Egypt
and come from there. They hate his guts and they hate the way things are
goose stepped there.

You conveniently forgot Iraq here Michael mah boy:

"because of our friendship with Israel that is the biggest problem with so
many Muslims and
has primarily made Americans targets."

.. Do you know anything about the Paris Massacre of 1961? Yes ah do. Ah done
went to some schools and we done had courses in history. Ah done well in
'em. The Honors English too.

What in the world do you think the Iraq Fiasco has done to the terrorism
propensity domestically here Michael? Try to fly today. Mommies can't bring
a babies formula onto a long flight. Chertoff the most dishonest
incompetent DOJ/Homeland security official and a former incompetent 3rd
Circuit Court of Appeals Judge apopinted by Bush says tough shit. His
babies get milk but yours don't. New Orleans should be renamed

If the US today was to announce we no longer will come to aid Israelif
needed- what do you think would be the outcome?

Would never happen. If it did terrorism from Arab fundamentslists would
increase exponentially in the US. US needs the Mosad. US needs Israel.
US Congress and whichever party needs support from large Jewish

If you can find any country in the middle East (including the ones most have
not heard of that remotely approaches democracy and the direct intelligence
and actual military support the US gets from Israel please sing out.

Jordan--get real. The people have lived in relative squallor for years and
many of them are uneducated while Queens take several shopping days on the
Royal Gulf Stream to Rue de Honore in Paris.

Arafat's wife demanded some kind of settlement for viewing this scum bag's
body of about 23 million. How many no water no electricity living in filth
Palestinians would that feed?

My anti US venom is at a dysfunctional Congress that screws the American
people and a DOJ and West Wing that says it can follow the law the way it
wants when it wants. Please start reading a little Washington Post and NYT.

I have not "made it sound like all Middle East Problems" begin and end with
the US. However what is not very well focused in the illiterate American
public mind is that we faciliatated the Schia ascendancy that has Iran
sending bombs into the Damascus Airport.

Why do you think those planes (if the purported plot Churtoff is all over TV
24X7 today about has any degree of truth--it will take time )were coming to
the US from Heathrow?

I strongly strongly urge you to read the books whose links I provided. You
can read them in a big comfortable chair in your local bookstore.

It's not Egypt's problem to be fundamentalist muslim militant with a
dictator by the way, Mubarak who is as abusive as China and the Soviet Union
and Iran and Syria ever were to worry about our relationship with Israel.
It's not going to change for the protection of the US. You think the US is
in some big brother relationship with Israel or because Israel is strategic
to the security of the US?

Also compare the technology, education, manufacturing of any country in the
Middle East Egypt included with Israel. You think the US made that happen
since 1948? We tried to make it start happening with Arafat. I think it's
pretty remarkable that there is full proportional Arab representation
including Lebanon within the Israeli Parlaimant.

Read the books Michael. Get some education.

I am pretty sure "Vista Ultimate Kosher" is available to all comers if you
have the green, Michael.
Read a little US History.

During the FDR time span, there was a famous quote:

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."

During the Bush administration this has been trashed and morphed into (as
you can see by today's distorted events--because liquids have been ID'd as a
threat for years--

Duh Air Cargo IS NOT CHECKED--I repeat liquid in air cargo is not checked
that is air cargo is not checked

"The only thing we HAVE TO USE is fear itself to try to win midterm

Karl (Hell Yes I should be in Prison) Rove

With the prissy never been in combat arrogance of all Neo-Cons, Bill Krystol
stupidly said at the beginning of the Iraq Quagmire that "It was a myth of
pop culture that the Shias and Sunnis and Kurds can't get along. Iraq is

You have to admire the strength of a persistent delusional system that
continues to think things are going well as the Killing Machine and
Hemorrhagic Money Machine speeds down the tracks with no brakes.

It's the Thelma and Louise Into the Grand Canyon method of government.
