
  • Thread starter Thread starter Jurriaan Lampe
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Jurriaan Lampe

I have used Mypage.Visible = ([Mycheckbox] = True)to hide
and unhide a subform page. This works perfectly untill I
add a new record with a button on the main page. When I do
this I get an error 94 incorrect use of 0. I have put the
code in the after update of the checkbox and in the
current form of the main form. Does anyone know what is
happening and how to solve this.

Thanks in advance
Jurriaan Lampe said:
I have used Mypage.Visible = ([Mycheckbox] = True)to hide
and unhide a subform page. This works perfectly untill I
add a new record with a button on the main page. When I do
this I get an error 94 incorrect use of 0. I have put the
code in the after update of the checkbox and in the
current form of the main form. Does anyone know what is
happening and how to solve this.

Error 94 would be "Invalid use of Null", not zero. I'd have to see a
bit more of the code you're using to say for sure, but it may be that
your probem could be solved by changing that line to

Mypage.Visible = (Nz([Mycheckbox], 0) = True)