How do I hide a paricular tablerow during run time?
I have two table rows with ids row1 and row2.
I want that if a particualr condition is true, then row 1 should be
displayed on the web page, otherwise row2 should be dispalyed.
I tried following code, but it is not working:
row1.Style.Value = "block"
But, still both the rows are being displayed. How do I achieve the
desired functioanlity of hiding one row while displaying teh other row
at run-time.
Please help me with this....
I have two table rows with ids row1 and row2.
I want that if a particualr condition is true, then row 1 should be
displayed on the web page, otherwise row2 should be dispalyed.
I tried following code, but it is not working:
row1.Style.Value = "block"
But, still both the rows are being displayed. How do I achieve the
desired functioanlity of hiding one row while displaying teh other row
at run-time.
Please help me with this....