I've got a bunch of rows of data that I want to copy and put somewhere
else, but many of the rows have "false" in them. They don't show
anything and just look blank, but they leave the row blank and take up
a lot of space. It looks something like this:
tom 47
Mary 36
Bob 18
Dan 29
Ed 44
Is there a way to truncate the list by hiding the rows that return a
false value and just making a normal list like the following?
tom 47
mary 36
bob 18
dan 29
ed 44
else, but many of the rows have "false" in them. They don't show
anything and just look blank, but they leave the row blank and take up
a lot of space. It looks something like this:
tom 47
Mary 36
Bob 18
Dan 29
Ed 44
Is there a way to truncate the list by hiding the rows that return a
false value and just making a normal list like the following?
tom 47
mary 36
bob 18
dan 29
ed 44