Hiding #N/A error (or displaying a blank cell instead of #N/A)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Eva Marie
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Eva Marie


I have a formula which is working correctly; however when it doesn't locate
the data (as will happens sometimes), it displays the #N/A error. I would
prefer it display a blank cell. Can someone please tell me how to do this in

Formula: =IF(P28=0,"",INDEX('Ext''d
Lines'!$B$2:$CD$230,MATCH($A28,'Ext''d Lines'!$A$2:$A$230,0),0),1)+1))

Eva Marie

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Hello,
| I have a formula which is working correctly; however when it doesn't locate
| the data (as will happens sometimes), it displays the #N/A error. I would
| prefer it display a blank cell. Can someone please tell me how to do this in
| Excel?
| Formula: =IF(P28=0,"",INDEX('Ext''d
| Lines'!$B$1:$CD$1,MATCH(P28,INDEX('Ext''d
| Lines'!$B$2:$CD$230,MATCH($A28,'Ext''d Lines'!$A$2:$A$230,0),0),1)+1))
| Thanks,
| Eva Marie

Thank you for your help. I just tried this and the answer is producing
"FALSE" when there is something to be returned in the cell. For example:

The formula: =IF(P27=0,"",IF(ISNA(INDEX('Ext''d
Lines'!$B$2:$CD$230,MATCH($A27,'Ext''d Lines'!$A$2:$A$230,0),0),1)+1)),""))

In this case, I am asking it to return a date via the MATCH function (which
works fine without the ISNA function). When I put in the ISNA (as shown
above) and the answer should have been say, "10/13/08", it displays "FALSE"

Eva Marie
The key is to use ISNA like this: =IF(ISNA(MATCH(...)),"",<formula>)
Indicatively for your expression, which uses 2 MATCHes:

Try (all in the same cell):
IF(ISNA(MATCH($A28,'Ext''d Lines'!$A$2:$A$230,0)),
IF(ISNA(MATCH(P28,INDEX('Ext''d Lines'!$B$2:$CD$230,MATCH($A28,'Ext''d
INDEX('Ext''d Lines'!$B$1:$CD$1,MATCH(P28,INDEX('Ext''d
Lines'!$B$2:$CD$230,MATCH($A28,'Ext''d Lines'!$A$2:$A$230,0),0),1)+1)),""),"")
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Essentially, if there is nothing to return, I need the #N/A hidden and if
there is something to be returned (such as a date), I need that to be
displayed, instead of the FALSE error.

Thanks for your help!
Eva Marie
Hi Max,

Thank you for your help too! I copied this entire formula into the cell and
then dragged it down into the below cells to copy the formula into them.
Unfortunately, when there is a value to be displayed, such as "10/13/08", it
makes the cell blank, rather than displaying 10/13/08. It definitely works
with the #N/A cells, where no value was returned.

I'd appreciate any help on getting values to display, while still hiding the

Eva Marie
Tough to check. Could be a data consistency issue, eg what should have
apparently matched (and returned a valid result) doesn't, because say, some
dates are not real dates (real dates are numbers, and it won't match with
text numbers), etc

Can you upload a sample file using a free filehost,
then post a link to it here?

For example, you could use this free filehost to upload:

Copy the "direct link" which is generated after you upload,
then paste it here

(Desensitize your sample as appropriate)
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Please show us your formula. We are working in the dark here.

There is nothing wrong with any of the formulas suggested by Niek or Max.
The problem is they don't know your formula and data.
Hi Shane,

I'm sorry, but I don't understand your question. The formula is given
below. The ooriginal formula was:

=IF(P28=0,"",INDEX('Ext''d Lines'!$B$1:$CD$1,MATCH(P28,INDEX('Ext''d
Lines'!$B$2:$CD$230,MATCH($A28,'Ext''d Lines'!$A$2:$A$230,0),0),1)+1))

With the original formula, The MATCH and INDEX are looking up dates in
another tab and returning either a date (e.g., 10/13/08), or returning #N/A
(and displaying the #N/A).

The revised formula is the one provided by Max:

= IF(OR(P28=0,A28=0), IF(ISNA(MATCH($A28,'Ext''d Lines'!$A$2:$A$230,0)),
IF(ISNA(MATCH(P28,INDEX('Ext''d Lines'!$B$2:$CD$230,MATCH($A28,'Ext''d
Lines'!$B$2:$CD$230,MATCH($A28,'Ext''d Lines'!$A$2:$A$230,0),0),1)+1)),""),"")

This formula is still looking up the date and if there isn't one, it hides
the #N/A now, but if there IS a date, it ALSO hides the date.

Can you please tell me what else I need to provide?

Thank you,
Eva Marie
Hi Max,

I'm not sure if I will be able to do so as I work for a company that has
secret military clearance and the data in the spreadsheet is classified. I
will see what I can do to upload an example and post the link.

Eva Marie
Lines'!$B$2:$CD$230,MATCH($A28,'Ext''d Lines'!$A$2:$A$230,0),0),1)+1)))))
Try this

Select the column with the suspicious dates.
Data -> Text To Columns -> Select Delimited -> Select Next -Select Next
Choose DATE and select your date format