hiding form names

  • Thread starter Thread starter mahmut arslan
  • Start date Start date

mahmut arslan

is it possible ( via iis or asp.net conf.) to hide form
names from the client.
for example, I have a web application named MyApp
and from the browser I reach the applications start page
as "http://server_name/MyApp. and when click a link in the
start page that is pointing another webform in the
application, then the address bar or stattus bar will not
show the name of webform. In short, all webform names
should ne invisible to clients. Only the name of the
application should be visible.

is there any way to achive this?
Create a frame site (e.g. default.htm) and load all you webforms into that
frameset. Goto the IIS - Manager and set the default - document to the
